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    How often should you weigh yourself? Before CN or after CN?


    Jeremy Wade

    I do every morning.  You will see the fluctuation from doing the carb night, and for me, I learned that if I don't drop back to my pre-carb night weight within 2 days that I did my carb night wrong(too many carbs or low glycemic index carbs).



    Doesn't matter.  Just make sure it's at the same time of day, wearing the same thing, on the same scale.



    I weigh myself every morning so that I can stay on top of my weight so if it starts to go up, then i can adjust my diet.



    I used to weigh myself the morning of the carb nite that way I am sure I dumped all the water and carb weight from the prior week and my measurements are as accurate as can be. I can add up to 15 lbs on carb nite and lose them in 2-3 days so waiting till the end of the week insured the most accurate measurements for me. And of course I weigh on the same scale, wearing the same clothes and on an empty stomach.



    I used to weigh myself the morning of the carb nite that way I am sure I dumped all the water and carb weight from the prior week and my measurements are as accurate as can be. I can add up to 15 lbs on carb nite and lose them in 2-3 days so waiting till the end of the week insured the most accurate measurements for me. And of course I weigh on the same scale, wearing the same clothes and on an empty stomach.

    So if you are gaining that much after a carb nite, how much more are you losing before your next carb nite after subtracting the weight you re-lost?  What I mean is, if after 2-3 days you lose the 15 you gained, how much more do you usually lose between that and your next carb nite?


    Jeremy Wade

    I only fluctuate about 5 pounds on Carb nights, but the more important part is to make sure you aren't relying on the scale to show you results.CNS has been extremely effective for me to lose fat and retain muscle.  I lost about 3/4 lb of pure fat per week every week for 14 weeks, and gained about 1/4 pound of muscle per week.  If I had been looking to the scale for feedback I would have quit and considered CNS useless since at best it only showed 1/2 pound difference every Saturday morning.  Look at my results pictures though, 14 weeks worked wonders on me after calorie restriction diet modifications had failed.I have access to a BodPod for very accurate BF measurements every week, so I relied on being able to see the % and lb difference in actual fat.  I would recommend getting some calipers and measuring as accurately as you can, or taking measurements with a tape, or looking into a good electric BF tester, or all of the above for feedback/motivation.  Be careful with the electric testers though.  For me, they always read 10-15% high and I can't figure out why.



    I used to weigh myself the morning of the carb nite that way I am sure I dumped all the water and carb weight from the prior week and my measurements are as accurate as can be. I can add up to 15 lbs on carb nite and lose them in 2-3 days so waiting till the end of the week insured the most accurate measurements for me. And of course I weigh on the same scale, wearing the same clothes and on an empty stomach.

    So if you are gaining that much after a carb nite, how much more are you losing before your next carb nite after subtracting the weight you re-lost?  What I mean is, if after 2-3 days you lose the 15 you gained, how much more do you usually lose between that and your next carb nite?

    I was really heavy so I was able  to lose up to 4 lbs a week on some weeks but that did not happen for long. I was also working out a lot. Lifestyle was not sustainable but I did drop a good amount of weight.  As for the 10-15 lb gain besides stuffing my face with carbs I drank a lot and a lot of water on my carb nites 1-2 gallons so a few of those pounds were just water weight. Like I said I was and still am a big guy so my numbers are going to be different than yours but I was just trying to illustrate the drastic fluctuation in the scale, that is why I wait till my last morning of no carbs to weigh in.Also what Jeremy said about BF% measurements is very helpful. Even if the scale doesnt move your BF% might. I wish I had gotten the caliper thing to measure my progress. Probably gonna learn how to do that for my measurements on CBL.

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