Beta Alanine?

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    Nicholas Alonzo

    I recently bought some Beta Alanine although I have used it before I was just wondering if it matters to space it out/ take it pre/post workout, or can i just take all 4 grams with my PWO Shake so that insulin can help it do its job?


    Richard Schmitt

    I would just take it with as part of the Pre-Workout and that's it. You want insulin high PWO, so Leucine and whey would suffice perfectly.


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't think timing really matters with BA.  However, it's traditionally taken pre-workout.


    Carlito DeGuzman Jr

    I don't see any point in taking Beta Alanine post workout. It's in most Pre-workouts because it's supposed reduce muscular fatigue and to get you more reps in resistance training. The amount they put in there though isn't always enough to notice a difference in performance, so I would take your full daily dose pre-workout.


    Nicholas Alonzo

    I don't see any point in taking Beta Alanine post workout. It's in most Pre-workouts because it's supposed reduce muscular fatigue and to get you more reps in resistance training. The amount they put in there though isn't always enough to notice a difference in performance, so I would take your full daily dose pre-workout.

    I remember reading that insulin helps your body absorb it better just like with creatine, and on CBL you don't get an insulin spike tell PWO.


    Rob Haas

    I don't think timing really matters with BA.  However, it's traditionally taken pre-workout.

    This is what I have been told and do myself.



    I take it pre workout and notice a big difference when I don't take it.  I've gotten used to my beta alanine tingling!

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Beta Alanine?

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