carb nite foods..

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    (besides shakes and powders)What do you eat on your carb nite? Has anyone experienced the bloat on day 2 instead the next morning? I'm still a little confused regarding calories. It's difficult not to count them or obsess over them. Anyone else in this boat?



    As a former obsessive compulsive calorie counter (member of myfitnesspal) I did shed about 40 lbs doing that but the problem was that I lost muscle along with that 40 lbs. I trusted the science of the diet and shed 5 lbs on my prep phase which was the first time in a long time I saw the scale move at all. The problem I ran into was that despite how much my scale went down I never saw the desired look I wanted. Now that I am using this diet I have not cut cals at all and am starting to see the desired results I wanted. It is all in how the body uses the cals all calories are not created equally which makes that system very flawed. I still count them but now its to make sure I am not cutting cals and my fat/protein are at a 50:50 ratio. I avoid cutting cals now like the plague now lol. There is much more to fat loss than simply calories in, calories out especially as you lean out. That is why I turned to this method and it is working, now its just patience and for foods on carb nite I used 2 cups white rice as my first carb then turned to my fav frozen yogurt and had 2 cups of it (chapmans black jack cherry yummy) My advice is to go simple carbs but do a good weight workout just before your carb nite to maximize the benefit of it. I did a full body weight workout just before my carb nite and I woke feeling tighter and slimmer than before.



    Thank you so much for your response. I'm crabby I guess b/c I haven't seen any weight/BF change since I started. I'm on week 3. I was on Atkins induction for 2 months before I started CN.


    Lasse Elsbak

    How often do you have your carb nites?



    That is pretty much what I was wondering as well, carb nites are essential to the program working so you have to make sure that you are getting them in with 1 per week and a min of 4 days in between them. I usually gun for once per week at this stage. If you are not seeing either inches coming off or scale weight going down then you need to examine what you are doing. I like logging my food on myfitnesspal for that reason it is a way to go back and see where the mistakes are made.


    Lasse Elsbak

    Atkins induction is like CN without the carb nites isn't it? Apart from the bulk sweeteners ofc. This is probably an issue Kiefer should answer you about.


    Damon Amato

    except that on Atkins things like sugar alcohols don't count towards your carb count, but on CNS they do.



    I'm doing one carb nite a week. I eat like complete crap on carb nites though.. little debbie cakes, chips any thing sugary. I'm 5'4,  25% BF, size 5 jeans. I lost only 11 pounds on the induction but I have always looked quite athletic now just trimmer.. from an size 8 to size 5. I only count carbs-fiber b/c I never bought the whole sugar alcohol thing any way. I delay breakfast and use 1 tbspn coconut oil in my coffee.



    also.. I journal on .. I average around 1500-1700 calories a day with 50/50 fat and protein take.. I'm kinda baffled. I don't cheat with food or over estimate my intake. I want to keep going if I will break this stall but I guess I'm questioning if I need a break from it and restart in a few weeks. Ugh.. I am not a quitter, I just want to do what works.


    Lasse Elsbak

    The stall might be from restricting calories. Have you been keeping them that low the last 3 months?



    yes.. is that low? :-[


    Lasse Elsbak

    Yes. Especially if you are working out regularly. The “standard” number of calories for females that you hear everywhere is 2000 per day. 1500 is definitely low.



    Oh wow, I've never ate that much. hmm.. well I guess I could try it for a few weeks. Nothing to lose but weight. lol



    do you know of a calorie intake calculator that is pretty close to accurate? eh.. the more I think, the more I have questions.. I gain muscle really quick and easy. I am only working out 2 times a week doing HIIT, at a beginner level and for a short time. If I'm prone to toning and gaining easy could it be muscle gain plus fat loss? My hand held body analyzer doesn't reflect that tho..I'm not real sure how accurate they are.



    They are notoriously inaccurate but its better than nothing. My scale does bodyfat as well and it is all over the place depending on hydration level, the amount of fat I eat that day and if I worked out the day before. To be honest the best means of measuring your results are with the tape measure, and not eating enough can just as easily halt fat loss as eating to much. If you gain muscle easily then there is a good chance that you are not seeing the scale results. I have helped a female friend of mine get to her goal dress size by eating more and weighing more than she thought was possible. A heavier body that has better body composition will always look better than a lighter one with poorer body composition. Its not about scale weight and you need to learn to shift your train of though to fat loss not scale loss. Far to many women focus on the scale which is why I call it the greasy car salesman of the fat loss world. You really need to focus on shedding the fat and only using the scale as a means of determining caloric needs. As for accuracy there are many formulas out there, I use the one from just set your goal to maintenance level and leave it at that to determine your caloric needs. Keep in mind though that the more active you are the more you need to eat, so if your hungry eat a sandwich minus the bread lol.

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carb nite foods..

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