Carb Nite results

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    Martin Skup Taveras

    I've been reading a lot of testimonials of people who have done Carb Nite but most of the people who have written are people who where around 200 Lbs or less… I'm around 260 Lbs, I just started the program and I am going to finish it but I would like to see if CN has helped people lose 50 – 70 Lbs during it's duration. I know everybody losses weight at different speeds but I'm just looking for motivation to reach my goal.


    Check out Tlfoxy's logs.



    Martin, I weigh 258, right now and I'm hoping to get to 200. I'm in the prep phase of Carb Nite. So, hop in and we can support each other.tlfoxy, as mentioned by Trevor, lost 50 pounds, 40 of which were after starting Carb Nite. You should def follow his log.Kiefer says Carb Nite is ideal for anyone over 15% Body Fat.



    Dont envy it haha i was fuked for like two days after but I think a bigger thing about refeedings is making sure your completely drained before you refeed. 

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Carb Nite results

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