carbnite questions

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    Hi,Is this a good Carb nite meal:Pizza, (should I avoid meat on it to avoid protein? And are onions ok on it?), also going to eat doughnuts, ice cream and pumpkin pie.And can I take activated charcoal when eating this? It's supposed to take care of toxins and I would like to take it to counteract all the junk food/processed food detrimental effects.Thanks everyone


    Lasse Elsbak

    Why would you want to avoid protein? O.oI'm pretty sure coal is ok. Mycotoxins could be an issue with some processed food, but all junk food is not created equal! Why not just choose better alternatives? Make your own grass fed ice cream, and eat less processed stuff? You can eat pure paleo if you're concerned about toxins - and still have a great carb nite! 😀


    Avoid protein doesn't matter.It might be better to avoid fat during the earlier part of the night.Charcoal will be okay to take, but you can just not eat crap.White rice, sweet/white potatoes w/out skin, baked goods with white rice flour or tapioca flour and dextrose.



    Ok, thanks for your help; as for the protein; I'd heard protein might blunt insulin response so that's why I put that in there.I know about white rice and sweet potatoes; I just didn't know if that would be enough (and it does sound a tad boring 😉Sweet potatoes aren't that good to me unless there's butter or coconut oil on it and I know you're not supposed to have a lot of fat at that time.I'll have to plan ahead and do the rice flour baked goods, that sounds pretty good. Thanks


    Protein can spike insulin as well so you are good there.You'd likely be fine with putting CO or butter on sweet potatoes, but if you really wanna make sure to get an insulin spike take 3-5g leucine before the meal.



    Protein can spike insulin as well so you are good there.You'd likely be fine with putting CO or butter on sweet potatoes, but if you really wanna make sure to get an insulin spike take 3-5g leucine before the meal.

    So on my CarbNite if I wanted to spike my insulin I could just take Leucine before my meals for the night? Sweet potatoes & such?


    Yeah, you could.I really only do it with my PWO and maybe 1 more time if I have 3 hours or so between meals though.



    Yeah, you could.I really only do it with my PWO and maybe 1 more time if I have 3 hours or so between meals though.

    I enjoy baking & have my own gluten free AP flour mixture so maybe I'll pick up some dextrose and make some treats instead. Thanks for your help


    I enjoy baking & have my own gluten free AP flour mixture so maybe I'll pick up some dextrose and make some treats instead. Thanks for your help



    I enjoy baking & have my own gluten free AP flour mixture so maybe I'll pick up some dextrose and make some treats instead. Thanks for your help

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carbnite questions

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