cardio to shorten reorientation?

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    I am a noob, but already a low carber, gluten free clean eater, and weight train/cardio.  Planning on starting CNS in the next few days, but tweaking my plan.  I am interested in doing a shorter reorientation.  Kiefer touched on shortening reorientation period by doing cardio in the CNS book. Has anyone done a shorter reorientation by doing cardio the first several days of reorientation?  If so, how many days did you do cardio? What kind of cardio and for how long?  (I was assuming a 30/90 interval repeated 8 times would work?) How many days can you shorten a reorientation to?any suggestions are appreciated.  🙂



    I believe the shortening from HIIT workouts was in the CBL book, but the idea behind 10 days in CN is that it reducing the enzymes relevant to breaking down carbs, so im not sure if it would be the same mechanism.To be safe, i'd say go the 10 days


    Lesli Bortz

    I found shortening it to be fine since I train 5-6 days a week. If you're lifting and doing HIIT you could shorten it. CNS was created for people who don't train with the same frequency/intensity as CBL. If you're not doing much then you'll need the 10 days.


    Brandon D Christ

    I would say two HIIT sessions, on the first two days will wipe out the glycogen.


    Richard Schmitt

    Do the full ten days. At first YOU NEED IT! Afterwards you can do 7 days with added HIIT if needed. Why shortcuts?


    Lesli Bortz

    I would disagree if you train intensely. I suppose I could have dropped my training and sat around for those 10 days but I didn't want to. There's no way I wasn't depleted by day 7.NOT suggesting shortcuts but Kiefer DOES give the option to shorten it by doing certain things in the CBL book.


    Brandon D Christ

    I would disagree if you train intensely. I suppose I could have dropped my training and sat around for those 10 days but I didn't want to. There's no way I wasn't depleted by day 7.NOT suggesting shortcuts but Kiefer DOES give the option to shorten it by doing certain things in the CBL book.

    +1Actually ten days without HIIT is rather conservative anyway.  I think a lot people would do fine if they did seven days without HIIT.


    Richard Schmitt

    Only reason I suggest the ten days at first so that they can understand their body and be sure to have their energy source be switched fully to using fats and not be dependent on carbs. After that I do highly recommend 7 days.



    Thanks so much for all your responses!  I certainly don't want to shortcut and mess up results.  On page 115 and 116 of CNS, Kiefer talks about shortening reorientation, so that was what made me ask about doing it that way.


    Lesli Bortz

    He refers to it in CBL as well…I don't have the CNS book to compare it to. You have enough responses to make a great decision 🙂

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cardio to shorten reorientation?

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