CBL training 9pm per book

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    Does anyone CBL as the books says of u train at 9 pm? I train at 8-8-30pm I'm done by 930 ish but my bl starts at 10 should I be bl around 6-7pm ? If so then What should I eat ? 4-10 female115lbs steadySick right now w stomach flu /cold so I think I may have to ULC for 4 days before first back load haven't trained in three  days Thanks all!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free



    I'm not quite sure what you are asking…But you only have carbs pre-workout if you can't eat enough PWO.As a female you should likely keep your carbs PWO.



    In the CBL book page 326 says the plan for training at 9 pm that's why I ask not sure what the purpose of bl before workout and after maybe because its so late because if you train at 6 bl load starts after workout not before maybe I missed something in the previous  chapters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free



    In the CBL book page 326 says the plan for training at 9 pm that's why I ask not sure what the purpose of bl before workout and after maybe because its so late because if you train at 6 bl load starts after workout not before maybe I missed something in the previous  chapters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

    Just like I said, you have carbs pre-workout if you workout so late and can't get enough PWO.You shouldn't have that issue, if you do though adding Intra-workout carbs would be a better idea.



    Thanks for the response 😉 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free


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CBL training 9pm per book

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