I am curious to if the recipes listed in the book are still okay or not (i.e. coconut creme pie)? Some of 'em look almost to good to be true. Also, does GNC still make PM powder? I have yet to find it. Would caramel whey be a wise choice?
They're actually still totally okay. And I really don't know about the GNC proteins…If you make that coconut cream pie, which I never have, tell us how it was!
I know this thread is getting a wee bit outdated, but I have a questions about the CNS recipes. The sugar-free Torani syrups are made with Splenda. Are those okay to use in moderation (i.e. for the CNS recipes)? I plan on trying the coconut cream pie recipe this weekend if I can get my hands on some hazelnut meal. :-
I believe Kiefer stated that after the CNS book came he discovered the insulin spiking properties of Ace-K, which is in both Hansen's soda and the Torani sugar-free syrup, so just don't be dumping a bunch of it in a low carb shake.
I believe Kiefer stated that after the CNS book came he discovered the insulin spiking properties of Ace-K, which is in both Hansen's soda and the Torani sugar-free syrup, so just don't be dumping a bunch of it in a low carb shake.
Thanks a lot for that. I was curious. I will likely just use it for the coconut cream pie. So is there a revised edition of CNS coming out soon?