CNS results have Paused

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    So I have been on the CNS program for about 2 1/2 months now and have been really enjoying it but over the last 2 weeks noticed that my results have not progressed and seemed to pause out. My body really doesn't hold onto fat except right around my stomach which I have always had a hard time loosing.Any suggestions would be great PLEASE!My diet is usually as follows :5am- Coffee w/ cream & coconut oil9:30am -2 eggs and 3 slices of bacon12:30- salad with meat or salami slices, cheese & maybe low carb tortilla and  diet Hanson or Snaple 3:30pm -handful of walnuts or almonds7pm -some form of meat and veggies with butter 9pm- spoon of almond butter or SF Jello w/cream.Anyone see some holes in my diet? Also I want to start working out again and was going to do Some HIT but was really confused by the book stating not to do High intensity cardio workouts but hear a lot of people on hear talking about doing HIT and Turbulence Training programs. Clarification would be great on what types of workouts I can do on CNS


    Damon Amato

    the Hansen's has ace-k in it and not a great choice.  Otherwise, remember fat loss is not linear.



    I'm confused ? The book says you can have Hansons Diet Soda??Thanks


    The book is pretty old and some of the info is outdated.Keifer has learn a lot more since then and plans to release a new version soon.Having said that once of the things that's been mentioned the needs to be changed is removing things with Ace-K to avoid the insulin spiking.You could also look at fasting in the morning in speed up fat loss.



    Ok thanks for the advice.I believe I'm doing some form of fasting by not eating till 9:30am right?What about the workout advice stated in the book? Is that info outdated also? And what types of workouts are aceptable on CNS?


    You kinda are, but you could possibly improve the results by have no calories (CO and cream in coffee)until that 9 am point and then eat a whole food meal at 11-12 or at least when your hungry.That thing you really want to avoid is long steady state cardio.Walking in general is great all the time, but I wouldn't do it if you hate it so no need to force it.Doing HIIT is good, but try to do it within the first 3 days after carb night. I do the following day and again on the third day doing 1:30 sprint 3:30 active rest for 5 rounds the following day, and then do 0:45 sprint 4 minute active rest 5-6 rounds on the third day.Also, resistance training is great, just don't do high volume.Go heavy, get in and get out quick. Most of the time I spend 40-45 minutes including warm-up and cool-down.



    Thanks for the advice I'll give it a go!



    Just looked the label of Hanson Diet and only see Acesulfame Potassium is that the same as Ace-K?


    Yeah, Ace-K is the Shorthand version of Acesulfame Potassium.It's one of the artificial sweeteners that spikes insulin still.There is a recipe for a homemade soda type drink on the recipe forums, maybe you could give that a shot.You could always uses non-alcoholic flavorings to play with it.



    I went a good 4 weeks losing 3lbs a week and making significant gains in the gym. But then I had two weeks where no progression took place, then week 3 I was back to full weight loss, at 3lbs a week. So I believe it’s a plateau, just takes time.



    I went a good 4 weeks losing 3lbs a week and making significant gains in the gym. But then I had two weeks where no progression took place, then week 3 I was back to full weight loss, at 3lbs a week. So I believe it’s a plateau, just takes time.

    I have similar results.  Patience is the key... Keep figuring and tweaking to find out what works best for you.

    Yeah, Ace-K is the Shorthand version of Acesulfame Potassium.It's one of the artificial sweeteners that spikes insulin still.

    Great tip!  I need to check out my drinks as well.  Thanks!


    Richard Schmitt

    My weight has stalled, not losing or gaining anything. But just like everyone says here, it takes time, and I'm willing to keep pushing through. Just remember not to give up, just find what works even if it's doing a density bulk type of week and re-doing the prep phase could help. Who knows.


    Brandon D Christ

    You may want to lower your meal fequency too.  Maybe push back the coffee and cream to 9 am, have your first meal at noon.  Then eat again 4 or 5 pm and again at 9 pm.


    Naomi Most

    Also I want to start working out again and was going to do Some HIT but was really confused by the book stating not to do High intensity cardio workouts but hear a lot of people on hear talking about doing HIT and Turbulence Training programs. Clarification would be great on what types of workouts I can do on CNS

    If you haven't been working out up until this point, then doing ANYTHING (except for long-and-steady-state cardio) will start shifting the fat for you.Turbulence Training is a good start that I can recommend as it is a known quantity (30 minutes max, heavy weights combined with bodyweight exercises with only a little rest time).If I were going to pick only one form of exercise to start, and I had 45 minutes for it, it would definitely be traditional strength training 2-3 times a week.



    Thanks for everyone's advice I really apriciate it.

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CNS results have Paused

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