CNS Workout Routine Adjustments

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    I'm not sure how much I can say since I had to pay for it, and I don't wanna take away from Kiefer's profit (if he even makes anything from it), but in the sept/oct issue of Kiefer wrote an article on how he adjusted Jesse Burdick's (an accomplished PL'er) training to suit CNS while cutting from 270 to 220 in 3 monthsIt is a great read for anyone weight training while on CNS


    Richard Schmitt

    With the whole routine adjustment while on CNS is a pretty good idea to go ahead and train in the mornings? and have the rest of the day to basically rest? and it'll be fasted? With this being said I know a PWO Shake is ok with just protein, leucine, and creatine, until noon for the first meal, though is coffee with coconut oil good before then too? Say I get to the gym around 5am and finish around 6am pwo shake, then coffee with oil at 8am, then 1st meal at noon, then 2nd meal at 5:30pm, then maybe extra fat snack at 7, bed by 9/10?Read this article and printed the pages out to keep, really great and inspiring read. Motivated me to do that challenge.



    IMO meal timing (except post-workout) hardly matterstraining fasted is fineKeep the PWO-shake, then just eat based on feel. If you get hungry, eat. Just KISS

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CNS Workout Routine Adjustments

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