DB Pullover Replacement Suggestion?

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    The pullover position wrecks my right shoulder- i was wondering of anyone could suggest a replacement exercise that doesn't risk dislocation of the shoulder in the same way (I've had it slip out once already- not pretty and relatively painful.)...also while I'm babbling here- I feel like an idiot doing the Tibialis Raise. Tell me I'm not alone. Very strange movement.


    Brandon D Christ

    Straight arm pull downs.  You don't have to do the whole rep.



    Nice- I'll try that. Thanks!



    Kayak Rows are my new favorite movement for pullovers.  Great pump and extreme M&M connection.  See: http://tnation.t-nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/kayak_rowsOr you can do stiff-arm pulldowns with a large cable row.  The longer the better to get a full contraction.  Lean forward slightly when you begin your pulls and set your body at about a 60degree lean to get a better stretch.You can try cable pullovers on a bench as well, decline bench works well.  Generally the cable will take a lot of stress off the shoulder joints, plus the bench makes you stable, providing you can keep your shoulders stacked upon the bench.  If not you may need some ART or foam rolling for the pecs to get them to release.


    Brandon D Christ

    Nice- I'll try that. Thanks!

    I also forgot to add to use a close grip, since we use dumbell pullovers for the upper chest more than the back.



    Nice- I'll try that. Thanks!

    I also forgot to add to use a close grip, since we use dumbell pullovers for the upper chest more than the back.

    yeah I was wondering which type he meant. Ive only just learned the benefits of a properly executed db pullover for upper chest. So easy to do it wrong though if you dont know what you are doing (mind/muscle connection)



    Cable pullovers with a rope. (I'm actually able to contract my lats way better with this version of pullovers)


    Brandon D Christ

    Cable pullovers with a rope. (I'm actually able to contract my lats way better with this version of pullovers)

    That's not suprising.  The tension is constant the whole way through the movement.  With a dumbell you lose tension once the dumbell is over your face.  Nearly all single joint exercises are best done with machines or cables.  The only exception I can think of are curls and the hip extension movements.



    Thanks all. No problems since switching the exercise up. Although after 2 weeks of Shockwave I'm switching over to PHAT this week. Heard it referenced on one of these threads, giving it a go.

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DB Pullover Replacement Suggestion?

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