Dmunnee’s Log

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    Damon Amato

    I thought it would be beneficial to start a log and track everything so as to tweak food choices and get better results.  Hopefully others can look at this and figure out how to modify their own CNS diet.  For the workouts, listing everything would be too much, so I'll stick to posting the most relevant and easily extrapolatable numbers.  Will post weight and BF (from Omron BIA) weekly, probably the day before carb nite.Tuesday 12/136:40am wake up7:20am 2 cups Bulletproof coffee (2tbsp organic unsalted butter, 1tbsp MCT oil, 1 splenda packet each)9:30am Shockwave: Ripped (Legs)back squat 135/145/155/165/175 (I feel like I could do a ton more weight, but not "fast")11:15am 1 scoop syntrax nectar (whey isolate), 1 TBSP MCT oil, 1 TBSP psyllium husk), 1 cup calorie countdown chocolate milk1:30pm ~6oz ham steak, 1 cup rainbow swiss chard with cut up crispy bacon3:15pm CNS brownies from CNS book (3 servings)7:30pm tentative plan is to make CNS pizza (peperoni slices as crust, some tomato sauce and fresh mozzarella on top)


    Damon Amato

    to be clear, my main focus right now is at loss.  I am ~20%bf and want to eventually be <10%.  Good luck to me.


    Richard Schmitt

    Good luck man, I know you'll achieve your goal!!


    Damon Amato

    Wednesday 12/14        207lb, 19.5%bf, 38.5″ waistMaking today a carb nite.  Feeling very tired and exercised a lot.  Been the requisite 4 day minimum, but trying to time things so I can have a carb nite xmas eve when the family does italian seven fishes, and if I can't have pastries from the North End in Boston I'll kill myself.6:30am wake up7:00am 2 cups coffee (1tbsp heavy cream, 1 splenda packet each)11:00am med DD coffee w/heavy cream and 1 splenda12:30pm 1cup chicken curry, 1cup black pepper steak, 1/2 cup string beans, 1 serving CNS brownie4pm 1/3 cup cocoa covered almonds6:15pm Taekwondo class (sparring class, but just drills tonight, no full gear fighting)7pm turkey meatloaf with oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli8:15pm 4 gluten free donuts, 2 large fudge rounds, 1/2 bag cheezy poofs.Notes: multivitamin and 2.5g fish oil taken per day.


    Damon Amato

    12/15/117:25am wake up8:30am 2 cups coffee (1tbsp heavy cream, 1 splenda)10:30am Shockwave: Ripped (Thursday)Shoulder Press - 3x65lb/75/85/95/10511:30am 10g whey isolate with 1tbsp MCT oil1:45pm 2 mcDoubles (no ketchup, no bun), small diet coke4pm 1/3cup dark cocoa almonds7:45pm 3 eggs scrambled with 1oz mozzarella cheese, 3oz ham steak, 1/4cup spinach, 4 strips bacon9:30pm 1 serving CNS brownie


    Damon Amato

    12/167am wake up7:45am 2 cups coffee w/ heavy cream and splenda11am HIIT 6 reps of 30 seconds max effort12:00pm few slices pepperoni, few pieces of mozzarella cheese1pm 10 Tyson any-tizer wings5:30pm 1/3 cup cocoa almonds7pm shockwave:ripped FridayDeadlift: 3x95/135/155/185/205/2257:45pm subway spinach salad with 2 servings tuna, green peppers, banana peppers, cucumbers, pickles10:30pm 1 serving CNS brownie



    I know you gave your reasoning for your carb nite, but I'd change two things about it.1) Move it to after a strength training day2) More carbsIdk what the carb count for it was, but I eat way more on my backloading nights. Last night it was:Chicken breast w/1 cup white rice1 donut + 1 mini powdered donut1 big bowl of cereal1 big bowl of ice creamBunch of pretzelsSipped 1 PWO shake from back-loading book throughout the aboveThen, before bed, 1 more PWO shake (about half the carbs) and a bagel with jellyJust my thoughts


    Damon Amato

    hmm, I feel like I crammed as much food into my belly as I could.  Maybe I need to start the carb nite a little earlier to ensure enough carbs?  As far as moving it to after a strength day, I do the shockwave workout mon/tues/thurs/fri with various HIIT and taekwondo mixed in.  I'm not sure I understand where you're saying I should make carb nite.  You do indeed eat a ton more carbs than I did.  Is that what really could be impeding progress?



    I really don't know about the carbs thing (which I actually forgot to add 2 pop tarts and a raspberry turnover in my list lol). After getting the CBL book, I've upped my intake, so we'll see where that goes, but I've been feeling good in the mornings so far…As far as the moving your carb nite, I'd put it on a night where you do resistance training, not TKD. Personally, I'd probably put it after leg day, but that's me.



    I'm no expert of CBL and most certainly not of Carb Nite but everything looks good.  I don't know if you have the CBL book, but maybe you should try the a.m. accelerator coffee.  Couldn't hurt. Anyways... That's all I got.  Good luck and keep it up.  The fat should be pouring off.



    IMO, with fat loss as the goal, I'd skip the AM shake. I'd get some caffeine in you, but I would think skipping the rest would be beneficial to fat loss.


    Damon Amato

    Per Naomi's advice, since my lean body mass is low I am switching to CBL with only a moderate amount of carbs.  Probably will be now posting more of my exercise log and weight/bf/waist numbers now.I'll also be training in the morning while fasted.  GL to me.


    Richard Schmitt

    Per Naomi's advice, since my lean body mass is low I am switching to CBL with only a moderate amount of carbs.  Probably will be now posting more of my exercise log and weight/bf/waist numbers now.I'll also be training in the morning while fasted.  GL to me.

    Good luck man, I'll know you'll keep up with it. It's my second week CBL and it's still a work in progress. It does take time, like with everything else.


    Naomi Most

    Per Naomi's advice, since my lean body mass is low I am switching to CBL with only a moderate amount of carbs.  Probably will be now posting more of my exercise log and weight/bf/waist numbers now.I'll also be training in the morning while fasted.  GL to me.

    Push yourself!  Training in the morning means your Perceived Exertion is at its highest. Everything will feel harder than it does in the afternoon.The payoff is increased hypertrophic signaling both from training in a fasted state and from training in the morning. It's the perfect "hypertrophy for fat loss" scenario, I'd say.Don't be afraid to take 2-3 Tbsp of coconut oil in your coffee pre-training. Seems like a lot, but the ketone production will feel good and fuel your workout, and probably be well burned off by the time you finish training. I'd say anything that makes you feel good when you otherwise wouldn't is worth any potential slowing of fat loss (and it won't be by much).Focus on putting on the muscle and following the program -- nothing else -- at least for a few weeks, and I know you'll do great. Oh, and I hope I didn't actually say "moderate carbs" for your carb back-load (I think we were talking about how to work in your evening Taekwondo) -- you still need to do a carb back-load in earnest.  You just don't want to do the gut-busting some of the Density Bulking dudes here are doing.


    Damon Amato

    I tried the coconut oil, not my taste at all.  I can somewhat tolerate MCT oil though, so maybe I'll try that.  I backloaded with about 200g carbs tonight, as well has about 40g Dymatize iso100.  I will be doing legs tomorrow morning so I think it would be fine to do a bit more than normal (for me).  Felt pretty good all day today so I hope that means I've done ok so far.

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