Does CNS kill empty fat cells? Or, just empty them?

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    I have a vague memory of reading that one of the unique benefits of CNS is that empty fat cells actually die and go away rather than sit there like the alien plant in Little House of Horrors saying, “Feed me, Seymour!”.But, I can't find it.Is that true? And, where is it written?



    I think that was on one of the podcasts. Either the bulletproof exec one or the first Q&A on the dangerously hardcore podcast.



    “Apoptosis” is mentioned in the CNS book but it says “hopefully” some of your fat cells will do that.



    Hopefully is the key word here. In some transgenic mice models, when leptin levels are really high, but insulin levels are low or baseline, empty fat cells went through apoptosis (literally just falling apart). Whether this happens in humans or not is still only conjecture, but the mice were bred to grow human fat cells, so it is possible and would explain long-term fat loss success stories. It's easier the longer the weight stays off; but we just learned a few years ago that fat cells turnover once every ten years and if they're empty at the time of turnover, they simply die and don't get replaced.So, does Carb Nite kill fat cells? Yes, by emptying them out and helping you to keep them empty. Does it do this in a very short period of time? Maybe....



    Thanks much, Kiefer!

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Does CNS kill empty fat cells? Or, just empty them?

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