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    @soulmind thanks man I was in  a hurry this morning to get to the gym so I didn't get to read everything. i tried the new shockwave workout from the new m&f



    @soulmind thanks man I was in  a hurry this morning to get to the gym so I didn't get to read everything. i tried the new shockwave workout from the new m&f

    So how did it go?



    Ok so I just tried the new workout from muscle & fitness and I have some questions still. 1. So if 3 sets of 3 reps are prescribed for an elect movements is that a total of 9 reps for that exercise or 45 reps? I did 9 reps total today before moving on to the next exercise. 2. How should I go about doing exercises like dips and chin ups...Should I use my dipping belt and add weight on each set?3. If back to back elect movements are prescribed how long do I rest before moving on to the next elect? I was thinking as little as possible.



    @soulmind it went ok… I don't have a lot of experience with some of the exercises Kiefer prescribed. And I think the picture may have been wrong for the 45 degree low pull-down…I'm not exactly sure how to do it….I think the picture showed the high wide pulley row and it was a misprint but I don't know.



    If you're able to add weight to Dips and pullups while still perform ELECT properly I'd say go for it.  If you still need any clarity on how to perform the reps go here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DHKieferThis really clarified a lot for me.  Did you get the original Shockwave e-book?  It talks about rest time in there.



    I don't have the old shockwave book I was waiting for the new one to come out. The new article shows rest periods but it didn't show one for back to back elect movements




    For dips today I did 3 sets of 3 reps before moving on to the next exercise. Was I supposed to do 45 total reps? This question is my main concern. If I can understand this everything else will fall in place.



    It should be 15 reps.  Nothing Kiefer has written has said contrary.  If there is something in the magazine disputing that or is confusing my guess would be that that is a mistake on their end.



    Five micro sets by three reps.  If they say 3×3 I would ignore that and go with the original protocol.



    It shows Incline Iso Hammer Press at 5 sets of 3 reps as an elect movementAfter that it shows another elect movement of decline bench at 3 sets of 3 reps its definitely not a misprint. The only misprint in this article is the dragon flag and the pulldown thingy.



    later on in that workout it has Barbell Curl as elect movement at 5 sets of 3 repsthen its followed by another elect movement of close grip chin at 3 sets of 3 repsIt says you can substitute in dips for decline bench as well



    I hate all this guessing.  Hopefully Kiefer will clarify what's going on.  All I can say is that I would go by the original protocol book until he releases the new one.  If I were you, next time I did the magazine routine I would try 5×3 and see how it compares to the written 3×3 or vice-versa if you did it the other way.  Sorry I can't be more help.



    You have been a great help and I appreciate all the feedback. I mean if muscle & fitness made a misprint for this thats just sad…..I mean they have two exercise misprints in this article and i think they put John Meadows picture in the back of the book instead of Kiefer for contributing to this workout. I mean it seems like they have made a misprint for every article Kiefer has contributed which just makes it worst for the people who follow his stuff. I'm hoping Kiefer can clear this up when he gets the chance… he may have to look at the magazine though.



    I'm looking over this article again and I'm thinking the dragon flag is supposed to be included in the ab workout as a level X movement. I'm starting to think that the 3 sets of 3 reps for the elect movements is a misprint as well.  >:(    If anybody picks up the issue let me know.

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