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    What are the best sources of fat while running CN?And where do you guys find coconut oil (produce section?)? When I ask about it at the local grocery they look at me like I'm an alien.Thanks


    Kevin rogers

    You can find the coconut oils in the baking goods sections with the other oils.  Vegetable and olive oils.  I have had luck finding it at walmart.  Usually most health food stores sell it also.


    Karin O’Sullivan

    I found Coconut oil in the olive/vegetable oil section of the market. Heavy cream, butter, cheeses, bacon... not sure if they are the best sources but they are what I use.


    Damon Amato

    http://www.amazon.com is your friend.


    Conrado Tiu

    What are the best sources of fat while running CN?And where do you guys find coconut oil (produce section?)? When I ask about it at the local grocery they look at me like I'm an alien.Thanks

    I'm not sure where you live or what stores are around you, but places like Trader Joe's, Sprouts, Whole Foods, Erewhon, have coconut oil. Most health food stores have them.



    I found mine at bulk barn. Wal mart did not have any and most other stores that did have it were over priced. As for other sources of fat, unsalted butter, heavy whipping cream, bacon fat, animal fats, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, etc.


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    i use avocado regularly as well. Do not forget pure MCT oil. I get mine here: http://www.upgradedself.com/Brain-Upgrades/MCT-Oil/flypage.tpl.html

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