Fats in backload… and so much more

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    Hey guys been away from this place for a long time ( since the dangerously hardcore days ) I’ve been hearing mixed opinions about fat in the backload. I heard that Keifer changed his mind on a few things since writing the book and even in the last few years or so. I guess my question is mainly; should i still look at backloading fat on the carb backload? If not should I be eating fat or avoiding it on the backload? Should I be waiting 3 hours after a fatty meal to eat carbs? etc.
    Also I heard mention of possible low GI carbs instead of high GI in certain cases like metabolic damage, is this true? Any other updates or changes you guys could point me toward would also be greatly apreciated. Thanks to anyone who can help me out, I find navigating this form for specific information to be incredibly painful haha


    Tony Sangimino

    Hey Dan, great to have you back

    Some people tend to tolerate fat in the backload better than others. In general, if you’ve got the macro space to spare, fat in the backload is fine. It also depends on how many carbs are in the backload itself. CarbNite is another story. It’s a good idea to keep long chain saturated fats away from high insulin levels, so keep it to MU fats and MCTs.

    The type of carb does not necessarily matter as long as you’ve gotten a large insulin spike from something like a pro shake with CarbShock. In fact, a lot of the more common choices people make are more medium-GL than high anyway, like sweet potatoes, rice, etc. As long as you’re getting a big spike to shut down catabolism and keeping the overall carb feeding window short, you’re doing what you need to do.



    Thank you for your reply. So then we are basically trying to elicit an insulin spike post workout and from there the carb feed is for refueling glycogen? Hmm i may have to go back and read the book but when you say “macro space”, I am assuming we are supposed to be calculating daily macros? It has been a long time since I’ve read it. I only remember calculating carbs in the past, protein was kind of a no brainer and fat was just ” giver until 5 pm ”

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Fats in backload… and so much more

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