Fruit and yogurt

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    Does anyone else feel a little snookered by the CBL protocol regarding fruit? I like fruit, but I know it's not a great choice for CBL because of fructose etc, but then on non training days I'm trying to watch my carb intake, so... Should I forget that and just eat fruit on non training evenings (I'm talking a small orange, maybe an apple and banana etc)?Also, I can't find this anywhere but is yogurt okay for non training day evenings? The particular Greek style brand I usually buy has about 5g net carbs per 100g.Thanks.



    I take in a lot of greek yogurt on non training days.  I love that stuff.  I count it towards my total carbs for the day but I don't watch it too much.  It's high in protein, fat and pretty low in carbs so if I go over a bit I am not freaking out.  Even on my off days I still do bw exercises/HIIT which I can only hope makes up for the extra couple carbs per day sometimes.As for fruit I cannot comment on.I bought my sister the CNS book and she said that you eventually are able to add fruit into your diet.  I never got specifics on it though.


    Naomi Most

    I never liked yogurt, but the lack of fruit does sometimes bother me. Sometimes you just gotta say "screw optimal, this back-load is going to be all watermelon"... once in a while.  🙂



    Thanks guys.Stephen, out of curiosity, how many grams of carbs do you shoot for on non training days?



    I'm 5'9.75(yes to me the .75 matters) and 185 at 18% bf.  If i'm feeling particularly fat, I stick with the 30 grams.  If i'm feeling good and pretty drained that night I will go up to 75-100 grams of carbs(total for that day).  That could come from cereal, yogurt, chocolate sometimes, rice.  It's all in one meal usually an hour or two after exercise.  I'm doing a light density bulking at the moment.  If I take in too many carbs I get fat fast.

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Fruit and yogurt

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