FST-7 and Y3T…

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    Still using CNS to get the last bit of fat off, but when I return to bulking mode w/ CBL (by 1st of October), I am planning on using either Hany Rambod's FST-7 or Neill Hill's Y3T.Anyone have any experience with these whilst using CBL?I've used FST-7 before, on standard bodybuilding diets, and always had a great deal of success.  The 7's are BRUTAL, and great for lagging bodyparts.However, I've never used Y3T, but it looks VERY sound... and the variety of rep-ranges week-by-week, with an intensity week (every 3rd week), just sounds effective.I'm at that point, being an advanced lifter, that standard straight-set type routines work, but not as well as kick-the-ever-loving-$h1t-out-of-yourself advanced programs, for putting on consistent, noticable size.Discuss?Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    Aren't these programs high volume?


    Aren't these programs high volume?

    Yes, high volume w/ added intensity at key times.FST-7 is, essentially, 3-4 straight set exercises (usually compound) per bodypart, followed by 7 sets of an isolation move w/ 30-45 second rest, and fascia stretching, between the 7s.Y3T is a 3-week cycling program.  Week one lifts in 8-10, week 2 in 12-15, and week 3 in 20-25 w/ triple drops, etc.  The exercises cycle from week to week, also.  Usually 3-4 exercises per bodypart.That's it in a nutshell.Cory


    …to add:With Y3T, you cycle those 3 weeks, over and over, usually for a period of 12 weeks (4 cycles).


    Richard Schmitt

    To use with CNS I would think overkill. However, if possibly done with CBL might be a different story.


    To use with CNS I would think overkill. However, if possibly done with CBL might be a different story.

    Oh, no doubt.I plan on running both of those protocols w/ CBL in October, once I hit my bf% mark.  To really grow, I need more advanced routines (at this point)... and that is best paired with CBL to get full benefit.On CNS, I stick w/ straight-sets in a standard bodybuilding style.  Relatively heavy compounds, w/ very few isolation moves.  Not really any intensity techniques, aside from the occassional Rest/Pause to meet my rep quotas on later sets (if I fail a couple reps shy).Cory



    did Y3T:Did not get great results with CBL. transitioned to 5-3-1 and results skyrocketed. Y3T is very taxing for non-drug users.



    Have you looked at the PHAT system? It's similar to these except it's basically hybrid powerlifting and bodybuilding which I like. I did FST 7 as well but not on CBL. I love the PHAT program and I'm currently dieting for a show and plan on using it after my show for the off season too. Lots of volume and lots of different intensities if that's what you want.



    Interested in PHAT. I am doing the 5-3-1 bodybuilding. Strength and tightness has improved greatly. Where can i get good info on PHAT.


    David Margittai

    Interested in PHAT. I am doing the 5-3-1 bodybuilding. Strength and tightness has improved greatly. Where can i get good info on PHAT.

    Here you go, bud. All you could ever ask for:http://www.simplyshredded.com/mega-feature-layne-norton-training-series-full-powerhypertrophy-routine-updated-2011.html

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FST-7 and Y3T…

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