Getting skinny

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  • #406746


    I’m 5’8″ 169 lbs. I’ve been told by a few people that I need to stop dieting now. I was told that people will begin thinking that I am sick. I’m just a tiny bit discouraged by this. As far as body fat percentage goes then I’m not sure but I guess it’s around 20% or a little higher. I feel great and I know that I should be working out and doing some strength training. That would help with the physique but my job is rather demanding and I’m generally pooped after work. I started working out a few months ago and as usual I “fell off” after a month or so. I heard Keifer recommend starting CBL at 15% BF. I’m so afraid to gain weight again and I’m evidently doing OK as far as fat loss goes. Should I ignore the people and continue to do my thing or is there some merit to what they are saying. Should I just start working out or should I also switch to CBL?


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Getting skinny

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