Heavy duty

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    Is it possible to get the heavy duty cbl in the shockwave app or any more hypertrophic workouts? Is it part of te add on packs?


    Richard Schmitt

    No it's not available as a pack



    Darn is there any way to get set it to goals? Like hypertrophy vs strength stuff like that?


    Richard Schmitt

    You can adjust certain movements to your liking and the reps/weights. Other than that no



    well thats rather dissapointing :/what do the add ons consist of??well at the very least i can give it to my girlfriend to use it to train :l


    Tiago Nicolau

    I use SW for hypertrophy too,remember that hypertrophy consists on contracting more the muscle and low reps,In the SW, you do have the ELECT style on PSR sets, and you mostly do 8 to 10 reps, wich are good for hypertrophy,Just do most of the non PSR sets as ELECT style, and you have your hypertrophy version of it,At least thats my opinion,And remember that pure Heavy duty protocol will impair your ability to loose fat eficiently, so expect more fat gains than the normal protocol.

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Heavy duty

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