HIIT training in fasted state in afternoon…

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    I was wondering if I was to do fasted training(HIIT) in the afternoon, how long after your last meal is it seen that a person is in a fasted state?i.e. If I ate some bacon and eggs at 12:30pm could I do HIIT at 03:30PM? 



    No thats not fasted, sorry! Your body is still using the food you digested at 12:30 for energy.


    No thats not fasted, sorry! Your body is still using the food you digested at 12:30 for energy.

    Is there a time frame then?


    Richard Schmitt

    Time frame? Basically like another 8-12 hour fast


    Time frame? Basically like another 8-12 hour fast

    Damn!So Mornings are basically the only time to do HIIT?It makes sense now, I did HIIT last night after having CN Saturday evening and I weighed the same this morning as yesterday morning(Morning after CN). I did not even manage to shake off some water weight.I was dissapointed, to say the least :-



    I always do my HIIT sessions first thing – get up, get to the gym, do 30 min HIIT session, then wait at least 60-90 minutes before eating anything, ideally keep your fast until mid-morning e.g.0630: Wake-up, Coffee or Caffeine tablets0700: HIIT session[at this point your body is in optimum fat burning mode]1100: BreakfastThis is personally what I do. The caffeine tides me over through the workout and I can normally get through to 1100 or lunch before eating (total probably 14-16 hour fast).Hope this helps.



    I always do my HIIT sessions first thing - get up, get to the gym, do 30 min HIIT session, then wait at least 60-90 minutes before eating anything, ideally keep your fast until mid-morning e.g.0630: Wake-up, Coffee or Caffeine tablets0700: HIIT session[at this point your body is in optimum fat burning mode]1100: BreakfastThis is personally what I do. The caffeine tides me over through the workout and I can normally get through to 1100 or lunch before eating (total probably 14-16 hour fast).Hope this helps.

    This was almost two months ago....

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HIIT training in fasted state in afternoon…

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