Hitting a wall

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    So I have finally started to be able to get in more of the carbs I'm supposed to because even 400 was a push at first. Well, that being said since I'm eating more and more carbs, I am eating later and later pre workout, so I am fasting longer and longer. My stomach must be shrinking or something because I cannot eat a big enough meal before my workout in one meal if I tried. What is everyone who is 200+ doing for their pre workouts? Also, for post workout how long are people allowing their binge window to go on? Same issue with stomach shrinking seems to be an issue where I have to just constantly eat from when I get home till when I decide to cut off.



    I was wondering the same last night… finished a back workout at about 5:40 PM, then started eating solids at about 6:50. I pretty much couldn't stop stuffing my face until I went to bed at 10:15ish. Sheesh. I think I was in the zone though because I woke up with the 'sweats'… :-[


    Naomi Most

    If it really is a stomach-capacity issue, try this trick:First thing in the morning, take a "water meal" -- as much water as you can possibly drink in a sitting.You can do this again 2-4 hours later if you want.Just don't exceed 3 gallons of water per day. I'd say even 2 gallons is pushing it.


    Whoa, I'm not trying for a hot dog eating comp. lolOk after some changing of carbs I'm doing better hitting higher numbers of carbs and used to food intake more.My problem now is that I am looking bigger and definitely feel tighter and hard as a rock muscular wise, but my love handles feel like I have spill over. Which I don't see how, I'm maybe eating 400-600 g of carbs. I picked up these doughnuts and I think I am holding more due to them. Before that it was mostly homemade regular or gluten free cookies and pop tarts. Could it be these things are so processes that it's screwing me up? Because post carbs look like a PWO with 40g, 80g white rice, 250g of nonsense, and another 40 with shake. Maybe a bit more in there but that is avg.And I'm a 220lb male at maybe 15%... (scratches head)


    Naomi Most

    Well, if you're storing a lot of fat in the love handles and not nearly as much anywhere else, they're going to seem exaggeratedly flabby in the morning.  I'd take a few pictures for amusement/posterity and then watch as they fade away, because it sounds like they're simply the last hold-outs of fat.It COULD be you're holding more water there too. Which would just exaggerate the "omg my love handles are HUGE" effect.  You're at 15% so there's still lots of room for improvement!


    Richard Schmitt

    Seriously though what would be the best way to get rid of the love-handles? That's where a lot of this “fat” is accumulating around my midsection…and biggest concern as of now. I did that whole 3 point caliper test site deal and chest was 9mm, thigh 9mm-ish, and abdominal area around 10mm said I had like 172lbs of lean muscle mass, and around 8-9% BF, I don't believe it though, because I see these love-handles making it seem like a lot more than it's saying


    Naomi are you calling me fat? lolI'm just looking to be around 9% all the time if my body lets me. Too bad I can't live at contest shape all the time lol



    Hey there Junkie,Just want to chime in and add my .02I am usually 220lbs at 15-18% BF. I'm currently at 207lbs. and 10%To achieve this, I did a full 10 day deload and then reintroduced the carbs. I tend to accumulate more fat in my low back and thighs. I like cereals for my carb choices. Corn flakes, rice or corn checks and skim milk before bed have been working for me. I like getting hundreds of grams of carbs in the evening and doing a reload every couple days. I find that my body responds best to that.I've lost the love handles and am trimming the rest off the lower portion of the abdominals and my quads.



    So you cycle your carbs? 10 days on/ 10 days off. So I guess 30 grams for ten days, then 300-700 grams for ten days? I am looking to get into a cycle like this, so I can build muscle and lose fat all the while shocking the metabolism. Do you think the cycle has been going fairly well?



    I drink about 20 glasses of water a day and how I do it is 30 mins pwo I drink my pwo shake give that 30 mins to settle then I have my first meal this is around 7:00 pm, I make this a meal that lasts about 35 mins and a decent size not to the point of being stuffed. So I am starting to allow things to settle at about 8 pm, then I start the carbs in earnest making them sweet, and very simple. I pile that on from 8 to 9 and I eat like its my job. Frist carb nite/backload was 300 grams carbs. Woke feeling tight and looking slimmer the next day. The second (most recent) my first meal was a medium pizza on white bread (approx 200 grams carbs), let that settle for 30 mins then pile on the 200 grams carbs from a frosted cinnamon role, waited 20 mins then ate a cherry cheese danish. total was around 405 grams carbs. I just spaced it out with minimal water intake during that time and 4 cups post carbs to make sure I had enough in me. Total water intake that day was 30 cups or 7.5L. I sweated out lots during the workout though lol.


    Hey there Junkie,Just want to chime in and add my .02I am usually 220lbs at 15-18% BF. I'm currently at 207lbs. and 10%To achieve this, I did a full 10 day deload and then reintroduced the carbs. I tend to accumulate more fat in my low back and thighs. I like cereals for my carb choices. Corn flakes, rice or corn checks and skim milk before bed have been working for me. I like getting hundreds of grams of carbs in the evening and doing a reload every couple days. I find that my body responds best to that.I've lost the love handles and am trimming the rest off the lower portion of the abdominals and my quads.

    10 day deload? now is that just for carbs? or you do that in your workout as well?

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Hitting a wall

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