How many days week do you train on CBL and Shockwave?

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    Stephen Gonzalez

    What is optimal?


    Richard Schmitt

    It depends, running it as written is perfect for Carb Nite Solution. You may need to add more sets, ELECT/PSR sets in order to get CBL to really work with it.


    Brandon D Christ

    In my personal opinion, 3-4 days per week is optimal. 


    Stephen Gonzalez

    thanks for the replies.  I just bought the shockwave app and paid for the Shockwave Protocols pack.  Using CBL, should I plan to be in the gym for 60mins 3-4 days a week?


    Brandon D Christ

    thanks for the replies.  I just bought the shockwave app and paid for the Shockwave Protocols pack.  Using CBL, should I plan to be in the gym for 60mins 3-4 days a week?

    That depends on your goals.  If you are really trying to put on muscle, I'd recommend 4 days for 90+ minutes if you can handle that much volume.  However, if you are more fat loss oriented, three 45 minute workouts would be fine.


    Stephen Gonzalez

    Thanks.  I am 171 pounds around 16% BF.  I am going to do the SA protocol to lose bodyfat and gain some muscle.  3 days looks good to me.  90mins for DB i assume?  WOW!


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks.  I am 171 pounds around 16% BF.  I am going to do the SA protocol to lose bodyfat and gain some muscle.  3 days looks good to me.  90mins for DB i assume?  WOW!

    DB or SA.  It just depends on how much you are willing to train.

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How many days week do you train on CBL and Shockwave?

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