How much weight do people gain on a CN

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    I have a few clients now running either CN or CBL and am intrigued by how much weight people here put on after a CN as it seems to vary with my clients from none at all to 2kg, which seems a little drastic but I could be wrong so wanted to hear other peoples experiences?Regards,Peg Leg


    Damon Amato

    Pegleg, any trouble convincing clients to do the things that are so far out of traditional norms like skipping breakfast, training fasted, etc?  I've thought about mentioning it to some people but i think theyd just call me crazy right now.



    i'll give my experience here. Firstly i am that guy at the gym that likes ti question everything. I train differently to everyone else and i actually focus on what gets my clientas results, they MUST see something improving every session they have with me or something isn't right. So saying that this program is not for everyone, some people can't accept the side of this stuff that requires you to question what REALLY works. If they can't be positive about it then there is no point telling them, to do it.I have run a few clients now through CNS. All but one had huge successes as long as they stayed away from the scales. Particular BF scales as going ULC seems to really fuck with these things.I tell my clients that they need to give it a full month before they can comment on the scale measurement as i also have them lifting weights and building muscle. On that most of my clients now are fairly active already, only 2 have been very overweight that i set up CNS plans for. 1 lost a very good number in 6 weeks then started to slow as muscle production seemed to be taking over, so i moved him to CBL style set up.My partner was the other one, she is struggling to move any weight on CNS, however her clothes are slowly getting looser and people are commenting on how she looks to have lost weight, The scales however have not budged?I am now doing CNS with her to experiment on myself also so i have a better understanding of the process, i am now about to start my 3rd week and i feel great and have lost about an inch off my waist???i hope this isd a little helpful



    It's true what the above post mentioned. Everything is situational or case by case. I would also say to stay off the scale and go off the mirror. Give it a good month and see your results. If no positive result then the plan isn't for you, trust me a diet this advanced is supposed to shed BodyFat and keep muscle mass. That’s why you feed your muscle's pure FAT triglyceride's first thing in the morning (i.e. coconut oil, or mct oil) Also try to keep your fat and protein to a 50/50 split carbs at 30 grams or less. Stay away from sugar alcohol carbs or anything falsely sweetened… for best benefits. If the diet doesn’t show drastic results within a month…. Maybe you have to do low carb, with no cheat days, or carbnite every two weeks. It really is a case by case.


    Lasse Elsbak

    Maybe you have to do low carb, with no cheat days, or carbnite every two weeks. It really is a case by case.

    Doing carb nites more often, or switching to Carb Back Loading is probably better. Going longer between carb nites down-regulates your metabolism and slows fat loss.@OP: The morning after a CN I'm 0,5-1kg heavier. Still experimenting on how to get in enough carbs though. Water on CN is also very important. If you don't get enough water on your carb nite, you're not going to be much heavier in the morning. 



    Oh, my post was if CarbNite isn't working for your clients for their fat loss. But when on CN my weight doesn’t change much the next day and I pig out.



    I find that the amount of water weight gained after a carbnite varies based on the individual and their muscle mass. I weigh in at over 200lbs. and maintain around 12% BF. After a heavy carbnite (I can pound down the carbs) I will put on anywhere between 7-10lbs of water weight the next day.



    I retain water like a MOFO after Carb-Nite. Nice to know someone else experience the same thing. I will say this though. When I started CNS I was around 242 lbs. I was right 250 lbs the other day. I drink at least three gallons of water a day, but I figure I am full of creatine and protein  😮 My jeans and my shirts are becoming quite baggy on me now. So one should really consider making the scale public enemy number one and avoid it at all cost.



    I gain anywhere from 2 lbs to 1 lbs post carb nite, and depending on my sodium content of the following days that can be gone as quick as 2 days post carb nite. It is a bit of a trick getting sodium under control on the diet but once you iron out the bugs and tweak things it gets much easier. Carb nites I am almost always high on sodium due to the carbs.



    I was having scale issues the first two weeks so I haven't been on the scale since. Coming up on my 4th CN. Clothes are starting to fit better, sleep and energy is better than it has been in years.



    I usually put on about 5 pounds after a CN.  It's discouraging if you're only going for scale numbers, so I stopped weighing myself after the 2nd CN and just used the mirror as my judge.  Mirror and people's comments have been positive so I'm sticking with it.

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How much weight do people gain on a CN

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