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March 31, 2012 at 1:10 am #1183
futuregovernorKeymasterI just read an article in Details magazine about the Carb Nite Solution and it looks like something that makes sense but I don't know if it's meant for someone like me.I recently went from 310 pounds to 230 following Atkins and doing P90X. After a six month stall I decided to try Tim Ferris' slow carb diet with a weekly cheat day that I kept to one day per week and I lost significant inches but gained nearly 10 pounds. I know that I'm stronger and carrying more muscle but I'm not a body builder. I don't want to be. I would simply like to get to 220 and lower my body fat.My question of weather or not this is for me stems from the fact that I have already been following a low carb lifestyle for more than a year and while I work hard six days a week I'm not a big lifter. Are these legitimate concerns? If I follow the plan to the letter are chances good that it will work or am I wasting my time?
March 31, 2012 at 1:59 am #40945
zewskiMemberIf you're human this diet will work for you.There are a number of weight lifters that used this diet with success.Just check the log section. Almost everyone using carb nite lifts weights (myself included).
March 31, 2012 at 2:13 am #40946
futuregovernorGuestI'm not much of a lifter, that's why I ask. 3 days of P90X resistance training each week doesn't focus on as heavy or weights as the rest of you. I spend the other three following the cardio so I m not sure if I lift enough.
March 31, 2012 at 2:53 am #40947
soulmindMemberThe thing about p90X is that it is circuit training and is built to be “Cardio” workout even on the resistance days (I used to do it and loved it, beachbody makes good products). It will not however give you the benefits of heavy lifting program that is designed for muscle strength and growth (i.e. pushups are not going to get you a big chest which are the chest exercise in all of the P90X dvds). As for whether Carb Nite will work for you on the style of exercise you are doing Kiefer answers this in his book where he goes over that diet is the only way to quickly burn fat exclusively and that's what CN is made for. Working out on this diet is the cherry on top, you don't have to do it to lose fat on this diet.
March 31, 2012 at 3:24 am #40948
futuregovernorGuestThank you. I understand exactly what you're saying about P90X. I do it because I really don't have access to a gym but I have dumbbells and a pull up bar and I can do it from home. I don't really have the desire to be a lifter. I just want my suits to fit nicely.My biggest concern is weather or not I will see the benefits since I've already lost so much weight going low carb. I'm wondering if I used my one "golden shot". I ordered the booK today I'm just very excited to see if it can help me break my stall lose my moobs.
March 31, 2012 at 4:50 am #40949
soulmindMemberAs you read the book you'll see what it will offer you as it differs from a traditional Low Carb Diet. The most important part is the night where you get to pig out. That's what will help you continue to burn fat away.
March 31, 2012 at 12:57 pm #40950
Kevin rogersParticipantAs you read the book you'll see what it will offer you as it differs from a traditional Low Carb Diet. The most important part is the night where you get to pig out. That's what will help you continue to burn fat away.
+1 You will see benefits by taking advantage of the carbnite. That's where the magic happens. Your body will be confused and tricked and fat cells will become unstable with a great possibility of dying. It turbo boosts the fat loss when done properly.
March 31, 2012 at 6:24 pm #40951
zewskiMemberdrop P90X NOWThat stuff will just cause you to over-train (which is probably only making your "moobs" worse). Kiefer touches on this in the "working out for calorie burn" section of CNS. If you're worried about not lifting hard enough for the diet, dont. Working out while on this diet is optional. However if you do feel like working out on the diet, follow an intense (as in heavy weights) workout programShockwave, RPT, 5x5, starting strength, Power to the people, 5/3/1, etc.Focus on getting STRONGER, and let the diet take care of fat loss.
March 31, 2012 at 6:34 pm #40952
dawatts22MemberMy question of weather or not this is for me stems from the fact that I have already been following a low carb lifestyle for more than a year and while I work hard six days a week I'm not a big lifter. Are these legitimate concerns? If I follow the plan to the letter are chances good that it will work or am I wasting my time?
You may have followed low carb but not ultra low carb. Make no mistake, although based on the same principle this is a different diet. This is what Kiefer calls Power Dieting. If you want to drop fat it is def for you.
April 1, 2012 at 3:11 pm #40953
futuregovernorGuestI really appreciate the feedback. I'm starting to regret ordering the hard copy instead if the ebook. I'm looking forward to learning the differences between the ultra low carb and Atkins. From searching these forums I can see that Carb Nite uses gross carbs and not net carbs which is easier to track. I keep myself around 20 net as it is which is 30-35 gross.I can appreciate what has been said if P90X. I realize what it lacks but what it does for me is 1. Provide instruction. 2. It's predictable enough to maintain it and most importantly 3. I can do it from home. That said I'm not above trying something else. Is there a routine that's similar in setup as in DVD with instruction that can be done from my home? I was looking at the Beachbody Les Mills Pump program. Is this a waste of time and money also?Again, I truly appreciate the feedback. I'm looking to tone up and drop another 20 or 30 pounds so that I can look good in a suit and tie instead of trying to win a body building competition so I'm thankful for the perspective. I really look forward to giving this a try.
April 1, 2012 at 3:36 pm #40954
zewskiMemberI'd stay away from anything that has “beachbody” or “pump” in the title. Look into Pavle's "Naked Warrior", it's all body-weight exercises and comes with a dvd I believe. Pavel's EXTREMELY knowledgeable and I think it would be great for you!
April 1, 2012 at 3:38 pm #40955
zewskiMemberAlso google “gymnastics bodies” or something like that. It's a workout based around gymnastics training that a lot of people have used with great results
April 1, 2012 at 3:54 pm #40956
dawatts22MemberAll carbs minus fiber. Not sure if gross or net. Keep the number under 30 after you subtract fiber and that's where the magic happens.
April 2, 2012 at 4:25 am #40957
Naomi MostMemberI really appreciate the feedback. I'm starting to regret ordering the hard copy instead if the ebook. I'm looking forward to learning the differences between the ultra low carb and Atkins. From searching these forums I can see that Carb Nite uses gross carbs and not net carbs which is easier to track. I keep myself around 20 net as it is which is 30-35 gross.
Not sure where you got that. CNS uses net carbs... I don't know why gross carbs would be easier to track, but going that route would certainly make your ability to stay under 30g net carbs per day more problematic. Count net carbs, NOT gross carbs. And count fiber as its own metric.
I can appreciate what has been said if P90X. I realize what it lacks but what it does for me is 1. Provide instruction. 2. It's predictable enough to maintain it and most importantly 3. I can do it from home. That said I'm not above trying something else. Is there a routine that's similar in setup as in DVD with instruction that can be done from my home? I was looking at the Beachbody Les Mills Pump program. Is this a waste of time and money also?
I can totally understand that.I recommend Turbulence Training, feeling free to do the routines with more rest time between exercises. In other words, use these workouts to emphasize muscle building, not to get a cardio workout.
Again, I truly appreciate the feedback. I'm looking to tone up and drop another 20 or 30 pounds so that I can look good in a suit and tie instead of trying to win a body building competition so I'm thankful for the perspective. I really look forward to giving this a try.
Trust me, doing Carb Nite will not turn you into a bodybuilder. Quite the contrary. Kiefer invented Carb Back-Loading because he found he was unable to gain the muscle mass he wanted while doing Carb Nite to stay lean.The reason you've gained weight doing the 4 Hour Body diet is because you're eating enough carbs to store more water weight. Also you can forget about the "30g of protein within 30mins of waking up" thing that Ferriss recommends, because (A) it's based in complete scientific fantasy as far as we can tell, and (B) consuming that much protein on an empty stomach in the morning will destroy the unique fat-burning potential that you have in the morning.See this free report for more info about what to do in the morning.
April 3, 2012 at 1:32 am #40958
NewfiedanParticipantIt is funny how you mentioned the 4 hr body by tim ferris. I did his slow carb diet and what it ended up being for me was a caloric deficit diet as I was unable to eat the daily caloric needed for maintenance level due to the stupid amount of beans in the diet (some days as low as 1600 cals). So I lost weight due to a calorie deficit not because the diet helped me out. I then tried out carb nite and for once it was a diet that proved once and for all that a calorie is not a calorie, and I lost weight without dropping cals period. 8 weeks and I absolutely did everything to not drop calories including eating beyond just being satisfied. 8 weeks not 1 day below 2540 cals and nearly 8 lbs dropped. Carb nite is the real deal and its not bullcrap, it works hands down. I never saw a change in my measurements except for my waistline, strength went up with each carb nite workout (which never happened on a cal deficit or slow carb) and best of all I saw an increase in definition. kiefer knows his stuff and has made a believer out of a die hard cal deficit, healthy/clean eating, diet industry spewing bullcrap dude. His carb backloading diet also works awesome, the diet delivers exactly what it promises end of story.
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