It’s True: Fructose Makes You Fat (sorta)

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    study was done on young healthy individuals which makes it a bit more interesting…. snippet from the end"eventually all this takes us - you won't believe it - back to the simple but undeniable truth that eating processed foods promotes overeating and overeating promotes obesity, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. My gosh! Who would have thought that?"



    Yep had just finished reading that (avid suppversity reader). The problem with these studies and articles is that people will latch on to them as more proof that fructose is the devil, when Adel himself basically shows that its the processed shit and not the whole foods (which contain other factors, like potassium for instance) that are problematic. But no, people will see Fructose makes you fat and say "see told you so". Actually he's done what all bad journalists do and sensationalize his articles title knowing full well that people often don't read much beyond the title before making up their mind on a subject.



    funny because he mentions at the start of the article he hates talking about fructose because of the scewed views people have.. think the title was more of joke as he obviously isn't an anti-fructose guy

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It’s True: Fructose Makes You Fat (sorta)

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