Justa Singles

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    Has anybody used the Justa singles protocol for their deadlift?  Though it manifests itself far differently, it seems pretty in-line with some things I've heard Louie Simmons say about training your lower back (frequently with lower intensity, i.e. weights in the 70% range of your 1RM).For those not familiar with it, it's essentially training every day on 7 day cycles where you do the following:Start with 70% of your 1 or 3RM for the first cycle.Monday--3 singles (1 to minute rest in between)Add 2 more singles every day until you are doing 15 on Sunday.  That's one cycle.Start over next week with 10 more lbs. on the bar.  To ensure you're training in the optimal zone, pull heavy once per month (1 or 3RM) and then base the percentages off of that in going forward.Repeat.



    It has a very solid following, I haven't done it but I had great success with power to the people which is similar. Both RKC designed programs!



    Thanks Sckiely, the more I research and look into bona fide high-frequency training methods (i.e. not Crossfit or glycolytically demanding cardio but things like P2P, Justa Singles, doing Power Cleans every day as Rippetoe endorses, etc) the more I'm really liking them if you have the time and dedication to pursue them.  It's taken me awhile to get the “lessen intensity” part of high-frequency training down but definitely seeing some nice results so far.-Adam



    Awesome, let me know if you need anymore answers. If you want an invaluable book then buy “Beyond Bodybuilding” it is super and I reference it's ideas constantly.



    Wait so i would get to pull EVERYDAY. I cant wait to have my garage gym again.

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Justa Singles

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