Kre-alkalyn creatine

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    mazdak merrikh

    So I fell for the gimmick on the web for the Kre-alkalyn EFX creatine only to read the Keifer said its claims are bogus. Should I toss it and just buy some CM or take a larger dose because I believe it still does have creatine in it.


    Nicholas Alonzo

    Use both.according to keifers article I should be using about 25 grams CM a day so I have some with every meal.  Just buy CM and use it with your meals and use that weird special creatine postworkout.


    Brandon D Christ

    It's not  bogus in the sense that it doesn't work.  It's bogus that it works better than monohydrate.  Use it up and buy monohydrate next time.


    Robert x Oleary

    It's not  bogus in the sense that it doesn't work.  It's bogus that it works better than monohydrate.  Use it up and buy monohydrate next time.

    +1The only validating purpose I've found for kre is that it is sometimes more agreeable with individuals digestion.


    mazdak merrikh

    Thanks for the response, I'll use it up

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Kre-alkalyn creatine

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