My poor poor squat

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  • #49519

    didn't read the comments above, but you gotta keep your midsection tighter. your upper back tighter and lats too. just a 2 second observation

    Exactly, pull down on the bar. Pull it tight against the base of your traps



    Drop the weight UTUBE UTUBE UTUBE

    Not quite sure what that means haha. I agree I need to work on my technique (prob why I made the thread no?  ;))

    didn't read the comments above, but you gotta keep your midsection tighter. your upper back tighter and lats too. just a 2 second observation

    When you say keep the midsection tight, do you mean flex the abs? I always thought you want a belly full of air while squatting, or is that only when using a belt? It's not just about flexing your abs. You definitely need a belly full of air to create intra abdominal pressure necessary for stability throughout the lift. Look at the video at the bottom of this article for the correct way to create that pressure


    Richard Schmitt

    I hope I'm close on this, but the keeping the midsection tight really benefits a lot. There's two ways that I read you can do, one is preferred over the other. The first one is to suck in the gut and hold/flex in tight, like if you were doing a crunch. The other is to fill up with air and flex as well. I read (sorry no link to back this up) that sucking in the gut while tightening is most perferred and better. I have problems with my squat too, so I lighten to load by a lot while practicing this technique, and didn't seem half bad.



    Kiefer actually covered this a bit in a recent podcast.  Flex out like you're taking a crap.  Also want to reiterate in terms of keeping the midsection tight, pulling down on the bar with white knuckles will help a lot lot lot.  Seriously try and bend it over your back.  I've also heard Louie Simmons say “try to drive the bar off your back on the way up” (anybody here that actually trains at Westside feel free to elaborate if you're up for it.)-Adam



    For clarity on the “utube” .. we live in a great time where you can get techniques and lessons on any subj from the worlds best via UTUBE For clarity on "technique" drop the weight and master the technique. I wasted years squating with my EGO! You can see your killing it with effort in your clip , with the right technique it will be 315 before you know it



    I hope I'm close on this, but the keeping the midsection tight really benefits a lot. There's two ways that I read you can do, one is preferred over the other. The first one is to suck in the gut and hold/flex in tight, like if you were doing a crunch. The other is to fill up with air and flex as well. I read (sorry no link to back this up) that sucking in the gut while tightening is most perferred and better. I have problems with my squat too, so I lighten to load by a lot while practicing this technique, and didn't seem half bad.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT SUCK IN YOUR GUT. That's exactly the opposite of what you want to do. You aren't posing, you're stabilizing. Check out the link I posted.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh shit really??…explains a lot thanks bro Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    “Big Chest, Buddha Belly” – Dan John




    didn't read the comments above, but you gotta keep your midsection tighter. your upper back tighter and lats too. just a 2 second observation

    I second this you may want to also sit bak a lil more. my 2 cents also on your dlvid why do you have dbs attached to the bar? lol

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My poor poor squat

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