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    I remember hearing about the importance of keeping myostatin levels down and also recalled on a blog by Dr. Colker he was using MYO-T12 and getting amazing results ….  i was doing some wiki searching on this and wanted to see if anyone tried it or knew anybody that did. I believe higher dosages of creatine accomplish the same feat, correct?



    Oh! About that – I heard somwhere Kiefer saying something about high creatine intake – can anyone post a link that this was refering to?


    He said that depending on body mass taking upwards of 60g a day can help blunt mTOR.As for MYO-T12, I have done a lot of research on this type of thing, and first it's expensive. You are talking over $100 a month for just this one supplement. Also, there are not a lot of studys for long term use of myostatin blunting drugs (legal or illegal). Some of the side effects of the illegal drugs, freak me out, and I know it's kind of apples and oranges but is it? Obviously they do the same things it's just the degree they do them.



    yeah i don't want those flu like symptoms i've heard about – and you're right… its dam expensive!  creatine is pretty cheap, i'm just worried about the safety of taking such a large amount... even though that feeling is based on research i've done... it's just not what i'm used to. But hey, DH Has brought me this far so I'll probably do it anyway  - from what i was reading on wiki, keeping myostatin levels down could be a player in build muscle.



    Skip the shady supplements and enjoy the training journey!

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