Need some assistance for CNS

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  • #479143

    Sara Jones

    I have questions about calories on Carb Nite and also cardio..a little background..Im 35 yo female, 5’10 and around 143 currently. My day job is somewhat active (lots of movement, on my feet and up and down stairs a bit..not too tiring but Im sure I burn more calories than the average desk jockey). I try to track as much as possible in myfitnesspal. Before attempting this I was eating around 1400-1500 during the week and had a cheat day once a week at around 2500-3000. I did cardio 3 days a week (running intervals), and lifting about 5. Ive done the re0rientation, had one carb night so far. My question is should I track my calories and stay around the same as I was before…I know in the book it says dont count calories..but I dont know if not counting would work for me (also you kinda have to to ensure you arent eating any more than 30 grams of carbs a day anyway). As far as training I have had to scale my lifting back because I dont have the energy to do that much volume. Should I continue doing 3 days of hiit training or drop it to 2? The book says dont do cardio then later it says do hiit, and one of Kiefers videos said women can do hiit until they pass out and it wont affect them because of the way we hold glycogen? Confused. Anyone that could help would be great.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Sara Jones.
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Need some assistance for CNS

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