Olympic Squats or Standard Squats for Shockwave?

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    I have seen comments in articles on squats that Olympics squats (butt to ground) are better for quad developement, particularly the tear drop portion of the quad. Is anyone doing Olympic Squats or have a comment on Oly's vs standard (Hi or Lo bar) squats?  I am thinking about trying Oly squats inplace of hi bar squats for shockwave.  Thanks.Cheers.


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't know what Kiefer is referring to, but typically squats refer to low bar squats.



    I would say that you are focusing on unimportant things here. The important point: SQUATIf you want to do high bar Oly style squats ATG with a bounce then do so. If you want to do super low, ultra wide, sitting way back squats then do so. If you want to do anything in between....do so.Again, the important part is to squat and generate rapid force production.



    I would say that you are focusing on unimportant things here. The important point: SQUAT.

    How am I focusing on unimportant things?  If the point is to build muscle size or increase raw strength or lose fat and on exercise creates a larger response than another how is that missing the point?  Isn't the whole point of CBL, CNS and this forum to take advantage of what ever we can to get the last little bit of performance?Considering the vastly different execution of each type of squat there is probably at least some measurable difference in affect otherwise what's the point?



    Oly squats ATG should be good enough for your goals. I gradually moved away from the Low bar style. Obviously, just go ATG or below parallel for whatever squat you choose. Oly squats might need extra deads/SDL for hamstring work.



    I'd do highbar/oly squats.Just look at their quads, dude. Dat vastus medialis ♥


    ATG(ass to ground) squats are the only way to squat… try stickin a plate under your heels to help get down lower



    Thanks.  Looking at the Olympic lifters there is some huge quad development.  I think I am going to mix the two.  Oly squats for development most of the time and hi bar parrallel squats when I feel like doing max effort/heavy squats.  I have never been comfortable with lo bar squats and thus am not able to squat as much as with a lo bar position.Its gonna be an ego check though with the lesser weight on Oly squats.


    start with just the bar till u get the motion and balace of it all… and remember head up high and BIG chest



    Yeah, I tell my self that with every squat and deadlift.  My best hi bar squat (with carbs) is 350 and during CNS I can only get 265.  It will be interesting to see how that will compare once I get to the point where I start adding wieght to the bar for olympic squats.

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Olympic Squats or Standard Squats for Shockwave?

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