Paleo Diet

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    Damon Amato

    Curious to know who has ever done this and if it benefitted you in any way. There are a lot of conflicting views online and I don't know a lot about it.



    I read a lot of Dave Asprey's stuff…I think there's a lot to be said about the Paleo way of eating, and it actually lends itself very well to the low carb portion of the day…



    my diet is “paleo” at times and not really low carb…  use sweet potatoes, white rice, and dextrose for carbs pwo…  I feel good with these foods so if its “Paleo” great…  sometimes I use waxy maize pwo thus making my diet NOT paleo ha…  Its just another fad diet term that people can justify not counting calories etc…  at least its more healthy than many other fad diets though haha…


    Naomi Most

    I am pretty “strict” paleo until it comes time to do a proper carb back-load. Then I'm all over the gluten-free (rice flour and tapioca) baked goods.You could do CBL quite well going all paleo, though.  Personally I just don't enjoy potatoes or bananas enough to make it work for me.In fact, Dave Asprey interviewed Kiefer a few weeks ago and they talked about doing CBL strictly paleo.  I should find out when he plans to put that interview up on his website.  I think it'll be on Upgraded Self Radio (the podcast).


    Brandon D Christ

    You see I always thought that root vegtables and grains were forbidden in Paleo.  I always thought it was only meat, vegtables, fruits, and stuff that comes off of trees and plants.



    as far as the starches…  sweet potatoes are tubers? which makes them different or something…  white rice is stripped of all the grain “anti nutrient” stuff thus making it ok if you need carbs (ie  post workout) same goes for dextrose  basically just pure glucose and no nutrients or anti nutrients in it


    Naomi Most

    You see I always thought that root vegtables and grains were forbidden in Paleo.  I always thought it was only meat, vegtables, fruits, and stuff that comes off of trees and plants.

    When it comes to what's considered "paleo", it's a lot more complicated than just allowed/not allowed.  You have people don't do dairy, people who don't eat fruit, people who don't eat chicken, people who think overt carbs like tubers are evil, and all kinds of combinations thereof.  The Kitavan diet, which is 85-90% carbs from starches, is considered Paleo.  So is the mostly-blubber traditional Eskimo diet.Roots and tubers, however, are definitely within the human evolutionary context that the Paleo diet is based in.  There's evidence of at least 1.9 million years of consumption (see entertaining article below).Carbs were probably not the ancestral humans' preferred first fuel -- organ meats are far more nutrient and micro-nutrient dense.  But it's almost certain that the human brain could not have developed without the availability of calories from starches.



    My wife and I followed a paleo diet for about a year and a half.  I am a powerlifter and needed to lean out a bit so I went along with it.  I lost about 20lbs over 9 months while gaining a little strength .  I wanted to move up a weight class, but didn't want to get fat again, so I stuck with the paleo diet and just tried to up my calories.  I was able to get stronger, but I just couldn't gain any weight.  In hindsight, I think it adversely effected my performance.  I never ate enough carbs. Post workout or on off days.  The only reason I think I had any success with it was I cheated at least once a week with fastfood/pizza.  I think its a great/healthy way to live.  My wife's cholesterol (ldl and total) was high before we began when she was eating tons of carbs constantly.  She is 25 and her family has a history of high cholesterol.  Then once we started eating everything they say not to, ie bacon, butter, cream, coconut milk, etc., and stopped eating "healthy grains" her cholesterol significantly improved (hdl went up quite a bit too).  But its not good for performance.  You just can't get enough of the right kind of carbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Well I want to first start off in saying thats great that your wife's health improved, and your weight loss result. What could help you gain weight to move up in weight class is to stick with Paleo but do CBL Strength Accumlation and/or Density Bulking. I'm sure eating the good carbs after a good training session will help you gain more strength and size. If that's what you're still willing to do. If not, I'm sure sticking with CNS can be benifical too. Hope this helps at all, I know that there wasn't a question involved but just an opinion.



    I'm all about the bulletproof style of eating now.  I believe it should help everyone become healthier.



    I'm all about the bulletproof style of eating now.  I believe it should help everyone become healthier.

    I second the Bulletproof diet. It just seems like a natural progression. Been Paleo for a year & Bulletproof was an easy & logical next step.



    Yes.  I use all Paleo/Bulletproof (which is just stricter Paleo in my case) for my back-loading and have lost around 3% bodyfat in the first month while increasing all of my lifts by at least 10%.-Adam



    Paleo+Dairy and now Rice has kept me healthy and strong. Highly recommend at least cutting out gluten and beans


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes.  I use all Paleo/Bulletproof (which is just stricter Paleo in my case) for my back-loading and have lost around 3% bodyfat in the first month while increasing all of my lifts by at least 10%.-Adam

    Good God that's awesome! Yep I'm jealous



    Tex,I think anybody could achieve the same results.  I'm just very fortunate in that I can set all of my lifestyle factors to be completely in alignment with the backloading.  As for the strength "increases", I'm reluctant to attribute them to anything more than beginner gains on the compound lifts (I do a very basic barbell template that is literally "Squat.  Press.  Pull." every workout) but what I WILL say is that CBL has improved my recovery time dramatically and my gains are coming at a faster pace than before.-Adam

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Paleo Diet

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