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    Hey all.Working my way through SW, but can't seem to figure out the push-Press/pause-Press exercise...Example: When doing bench press, I have to go as heavy as possible, lower the BB slowly to the chest, wait 1-2 seconds and then explode up? And same for everything else.Thanks.


    Richard Schmitt

    The Push Press is different from the Overhead Press. You just go Max Effort on Level X



    Hey all.Working my way through SW, but can't seem to figure out the push-Press/pause-Press exercise...Example: When doing bench press, I have to go as heavy as possible, lower the BB slowly to the chest, wait 1-2 seconds and then explode up? And same for everything else.Thanks.

    I think it's just telling you not to "rebound" the reps. So don't catch the weight while lowering it as you're on your dip down. Do a push press, return it to your shoulders, do a push press, etc.



    I think you're supposed to dip, then pause, then push-press; repeat.



    I think you're supposed to dip, then pause, then push-press; repeat.

    This is possible.. But based solely on the fact you're doing these on shoulder/tri day, I wouldn't think so.Pausing at the bottom of the dip would place a larger emphasis on the legs, not the shoulders. Also, that pause would limit the weights you could do by removing the stretch-reflex portion of the dip, and I think these are supposed to be pretty high intensity for the rep scheme.

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