Possible to start carb nite earlier?

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    Hey guy, i was wondering if it was possible to start carb nite earlier than the suggested 4pm. I want to eat a carb filled lunch as well as dinner and onwards, but I dont know if that is recommended. What if i were to do an intense workout before hand? Possible?Thanks



    you could wake up at 2am?



    to do it correctly he says no carbs until post workout so you can eat them sooner but only the 30-40 grams pwo in the pwo shake then wait until later in the day to eat the carbs, now depending on what time you wake and work that may change but that answer is best left to the experts like Naomi, or Kiefer as I am by no means the expert I am just starting to understand and work with this system to produce results I have never ever seen before.


    Naomi Most

    Hey guy, i was wondering if it was possible to start carb nite earlier than the suggested 4pm. I want to eat a carb filled lunch as well as dinner and onwards, but I dont know if that is recommended. What if i were to do an intense workout before hand? Possible?Thanks

    You can simply start eating carbs earlier in the day.  Just remember to stop eating carbs 6 hours after you started.  So if you start eating carbs at noon, you stop at 6pm.  I have done this exact plan several times; there is no downside.On Carb Nite, the particular hour of the day to start jacking up the insulin doesn't matter as much as it does within Carb Back-Loading.It's ALWAYS recommended to do an intense workout in the hours before your carb-up, though!  Not necessary, but definitely great for the muscles!



    See I stand corrected lol, ty naomi. I am still mentally geared towards carb backloading lol.



    Ah, i see. I started at 3pm on my carb nite and ended it around 10pm. the last week of CNS i didnt see any weight drop on my scale, so I am feeling a little sad haha

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Possible to start carb nite earlier?

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