Powerlifting resources

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    Hi I would like to get involved and maybe compete someday in Powerlifting.  I'm in the UK and although I'm a member of a great gym (spit and sawdust, mostly free weights, massive scary blokes lifting big weights, 2 cardio machines ;-P ) but there are no local people doing powerlifting (that I can find anyways).  I am starting out on 5/3/1 which I love because it's simple and quick but I wondered what other resources others would recommend?  I'm interested in the anatomy and physiology of lifting, technique and form, training protocols, anything really, I'm a sponge.  Any books that are recommended, blogs, websites, podcasts I'm particularly interested in as I have long boring commutes.Many thanks in advance.Reachy



    Good on you for getting started with this style of training. I'll try to keep this somewhat brief since I could spend all day listing things but here are some books and sites, in no particular order, that I think anyone new to the game (and old for that matter) can get a lot out ofWEBSITES lift-run-bang.com (Paul Carter's blog. He's BFF's with Wendler so it shares a lot of similarities with his stuff. Great resource)bretcontreras.comelitefts.commyosynthesis.com ditillo2.blogspot.comdanjohn.netBOOKS The Science and Practice of Strength Training - V. Zatsiorsky Supertraining - Mel SiffMaximum Strength - Eric Cressey Power to the People, Easy Strength, etc. (really anything by Pavel. They all share a lot of similar information)Westside Barbell Book of Methods - Louie SimmonsThat should be a pretty good start. If you want more, let me know....I have loads.



    That's awesome, thank you so much for the info. Reachy



    The mother of all threads in terms of powerlifting info:http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=386505In terms of books I recommend Starting Strength and Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe for some foundation knowledge. Supertraining is fantastic if you can find it. Also Mike Tuchscherer Reactive Training Manual is a good read once you become more advanced.


    jason morris

    I submit to you the Greyskull LP. I think the 2nd edition is easily one of the best books on strength with a simple, basic foundation that offers a great periodization plan for progression.  The basic nuts and bolts are free at strengthvillian.com on the forum, so you can test drive it.

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Powerlifting resources

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