Prep Phase opinions please…

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    J Watts

    I have just begun the prep phase , and would like opinions on if this set-up looks good:Meal 1: coffee 2 tbsp heavy whipping creamMeal2-4: 42 g's pro, 10 g's fat, veg's per mealMeal5-6: 52 g's protein and 15 grams of fat per mealI am not sure about meals 5-6 on the amount of fat, just guessing... My main concern is the overall calories. I am 35 years old, 5'8", 249 lbs, beginner powerlifter... My main goal is to get stronger, but I am fat and would like to weigh 210. That is where the concern comes in, does eating to weigh 210 not make sense given I am starting at 249? Should I plan calories based on losing lbs. in 10% increments until the goal is attained (i.e. plan to get to 225 first). Or am I over-thinking everything, and need to just follow the above plan.... Would appreciate some feedback.



    Did you read the book? Because your hypothetical meal plan is very off base. You should be consuming a 1:1 ratio of protein to fat in grams not calories. If you try to limit fat and carbs you are setting yourself up for disaster. If anything, err on the side of too much fat. Your goal should not be to restrict calories in the prep phase at all, but rather to make your body switch from using carbs for energy to fat. As a rule of thumb for how much to eat; eat when you are hungry, stop once you are satisfied. You should not be hungry at all during this phase.


    J Watts

    I read the book, but it's apparent I did not comprehend. Sounds like I need to read it again, and I will admit I rushed through it.  Thanks so much for the clarification. This meal plan was not hypothetical I have been doing it for a couple of days and I am starving!



    Forget calories! I know it is hard, but you have to erase the whole concepts of counting calories. I struggle with that myself. The most important thing to remember though (besides no more than 30g of carbohydrates daily) is to have a 50:50 fat-to-protein ratio. This ables your body to burn fat for energy (not protein). 



    The last thing you should be doing is counting calories…Concentrate on eating foods high in fat. The goal of the prep phase is to condition your body to use fat as fuel throughout the day.


    Naomi Most

    The last thing you should be doing is counting calories...Concentrate on eating foods high in fat. The goal of the prep phase is to condition your body to use fat as fuel throughout the day.

    Correct.Counting calories is GENERALLY something only final-phase figure competitors should do before a competition. Nobody else should be worrying about calories on Carb Nite or Carb Back-Loading.



    So I started the prep phase yesterday and have a couple of questions.  Currently, I train 3 days a week (MWF) full body and perform HIIT on the days I'm not lifting.  Additionally, I include 1 offday per week.  Does anyone think that keeping this routine will be possible throughout the full 10 days (i.e. not hit a wall)?  Also, should I use the full 10 days for the prep phase with a routine like this?  Thanks.


    Lasse Elsbak

    @rids: I don't think HIIT is recommended in the last days of your prep phase, but other than that you shouldn't have any trouble. Doing HIIT on the first few days of your prep phase MIGHT shorten it a couple of days, but you should do the whole thing to be sure. Especially if you've never gone keto before.



    Prep phase cheat sheet:No more than 30 grams usable carbs per dayEqual portions of fat to protein (1:1) ratioadd fiber supplement to aid in meeting requirementsYou can shorten it by a few days with HIIT trainingStop counting cals, (I did but it was a consequence of tracking protein to fat ratio)Skip breakfast except for AM accelerator shake and coffee.I did a month of cns and I was almost always over on the cal side of things but shed bodyfat, it delivered better results than cutting calories so my advice is to follow the advice of the above posters.

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