Protein from nuts

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    In the CNS book I read that plant proteins are not complete. Soy will hinder my fat burning. Would nuts be conisdered plant protein?  ???I have not read through the book completely yet, but I am slowly making my way through the pages. I just throught everything out of my apartment that contained soy. I am in the mindstate that soy = a whole lot of badness.



    Yes! SOY BAD!! Nuts GOOD, but watch usable carb count on some of them.


    Naomi Most

    Yeah, what Allenxld said.  (Although I admit to indulging in 1 or 2 soy lattes per week…)The thing to watch out for with nuts is the type of FAT they contain.  Too high in PUFAs (poly-unsaturated fatty acids).  Raw macadamia nuts are higher in MCTs and other saturated fats, so they're more like butter or coconut oil than any other nut, and could be a staple for you if you can find them.  It's very common to find that they're sold rancid, however, so use your nose...



    What about almonds? Just natural almonds with no salt and non-roasted?


    Naomi Most

    If you eat nuts every day, try and keep your nut intake (including almonds) to under 1/2 a cup per day. If it's a once-in-a-while food, don't worry as much, just don't make a habit of overconsumption.Eating half a dozen almonds when you're still hungry after a meal is a good way to work in nuts on a daily basis.  Eating a nut-based "bread" with every meal is NOT a good idea.This is me speaking as "general health knowledge"-Naomi rather than "advice from Kiefer"-Naomi.

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Protein from nuts

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