Raging headache…

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    You don't HAVE to have coffee/caffeine. Just be aware that caffeine alone doesn't have the appetite supressing effects of coffee due to the fact that it's missing the chemical that causes this.However the caffeine alone will give you a pick-me-up as well as stimulate your metabolism. It's just a question of why you're taking it.


    You don't HAVE to have either. But Coffee is lifeblood.



    I'm really just trying to lean out. I have quite a bit of muscle on my body. I've always been a waterpolo player and beach volleyball. After I hurt my back doing CF I went from being a complete athlete to taking 18 months off and being a depressed slob… at least for me. So just trying to find something I can get back into... and I'm one of those people who trains hard, eats healthy. I suck at moderation. If I can get a set eating plan, then I'll be good to go.


    I know the feeling about sucking at moderation.There is no middle ground for me, it's all or nothing.That's one thing I loved about CBL was it helped me have fun while still sticking to my diet and getting results.I can't wait to get back to doing it.



    Yup. I slept almost 10 hours last night. Got up and trained today. Did back/bis/core. And my legs are twitching uncontrollably from my leg workout yesterday. Trained on an empty stomach. Came home and put down a 2lb tri-tip drowned with homemade herb butter, garlic, an avocado & a cup of kale @ 2pm.Then @ 6pm killed a little salad with some sausages & ground beef & walnuts & avocado.Now my body is telling me to pass out at 6pm on a Friday. Maybe just a little nap before heading out! Common for my body to just want to sleep this much?Also, just discovered the podcasts. Some babies fall asleep to bedtime music. I fell asleep with a Kiefer podcast going on in the background.



    I get migraines and the keto flu hit me hard but it passed by day 10.I've also decided to get off the coffee for a while, which of course gave me more headaches.I found that adding taurine supplement worked just as well as my prescription, if not better. I guess it helps with caffiein withdrawls.



    Im on day 4 of CNS and I have a headache. I'm hella irritable. Ill try the suggestion of eating more fat (I thought i Was eating enough).  I'll try adding an avocado to the mix and see if that helps.  After doing a bit of googling it seems to be common problem.



    so i added 2 slices of cheese and an avocado and my headache went away. So more fat needs to be a focus on prevent the headache.



    So glad that I saw this thread tonight!  I had a headache wake me up out of a dead sleep last night – and another one tonight after dinner.  Thought I pulled in enough fat – I will def. have to review my chow tomorrow.



    Headaches can be from trigger points in muscles as well. These can be set off by nutritional factors (lack of nutrition) and dehydration. So depending on the type of headache you may find trigger point massage of great relief. I find I am more prone to trigger point related headaches when fasting or during periods of lower calories.


    Eric Shaw

    I've been on CNS for 15 days now, and today was the first day I had bad headache. But I also didn't eat a solid food meal until 16 hours from my last meal, not on purpose, just was super busy. Only had my c-oil and coffee in the morning, didn't eat until 3. So I just pretended I was IF'ing to make my self feel less guilty about waiting 16 hours. LOLToday was also the first day that I really felt foggy, must really be the ketosis starting to kick in. Most of the time I feel totally fine, but today I felt like I couldn't think straight, then headache hit right behind the eyes,and it felt like I couldnt even see straight. Took one ibuprofin and seemed to do the trick.My fat intake has been pretty high, so I think it was just the long fast, combined with the ketosis raging hard.



    did you ever get passed the foggy stage? and/or do you still get headaches? I'm just wondering because I've gotten a few headaches and it's really annoying. I wasn't happy with the speed of my progress so what I decided to do was cut calories, but that made the headache worse (because my fat intake was too low). 



    I have a tendency to suffer from headaches and foggyness from time to time. I don't like coffee (can't stand the stuff) so have a sugar free red bull in the morning with a peperami or something like that and do find that it can cause headaches. I find watching TV gives me headaches now as well, but have seen lots of people say that they have implemented a no electrical devices policy two hours before bed with great effect.Perhaps try a 3 point check:1. Are you getting enough 'quality' sleep - 8 hours per day, uninterrupted?2. Are you eating enough? Starving is a sure sign of headaches and lack of brain power, even more so if you are cutting back on fat.3. Are you drinking enough? 2L of water per day MINIMUM. If I am working out I can easily drink 3L+ water per day.If you aren't doing these three things try and make a record of what you feel like and adapt your routine until it starts working for you.


    samuel r walker

    Are you asking a question or stating something..?



    Trying to add some thoughts to this thread as many people seem to suffer with headaches yet sleep 4-6 hours per night and aren't eating enough.

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Raging headache…

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