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    I'd just like to put up a post regarding the recovery Process. There are a lot of questions about how to train and how to eat. However we really need to focus on when we REALLY Grow. It is not in the gym whilst we are moving the weights, heavy, light, doesn't matter. We grow AFTER the workout, when we are resting, eating and NOT training. Make sure you have recovery methods in your program, they are just as important as the workouts you do. Have mobility drills at the start of your workout (At the end too), do corrective exercises and supportive exercises for the unseen parts (Rotator cuff, hip flexors). Use a few methods in each workout, the ones that compliment the work you are doing that day are obviously best. They should take not more than 10 mins to complete and you will notice you start feeling stronger and better fairly quickly. Then when you are away from the gym do active recovery instead of more workouts. This could be going for a walk or jog, skipping, shadow boxing. The goal of this work is not losing fat or building anything, just getting the blood flowing through the muscles you recently damaged. So this sort of work could be done at the start of the next days workout, focusing on moving the muscles in the previous workout. An example would be, after leg day do 10 mins on the spin bike to warm up then do upper body mobility work then get into your upper body workout.Lots of people burn out, get injured or stop seeing results as they get convinced that the MORE work they do the better, this isn't true at all. Do enough to see improvements then a little more, rest, recover and repeat.


    Lasse Elsbak

    At our gym we have a couple of home made foamrollers, a small PVC pipe and a tennisball for soft tissue work. Really works wonders!


    Karin O’Sullivan

    Sometimes those foam rollers hurt like hell, but sure do work out the kinks.

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