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    I would like to know, has anyone got good results with Shockwave?Im used to a 3 days routine and just started this week to the 5 days shockwave while being on CNS...But when peaking at the forums, there doesnt seem to be lots about results...EDIT: I mean, I have seen the results page, but I wonder about people that are following SW... because the results page doesnt seem to have a lot of people following SW.



    i just started shockwave and currently on week 2.. seems to be working well so far.. waiting till at least 30 days and maybe even 60 days in to posts results though.. i also have a very rogue CBL eating routine


    Tiago Nicolau

    Same here, 2 weeks on SW and im liking it,Seems tough but our body doesnt get that much sore,I dont know about the gains but i notice a nice stimulus with the protocol



    On my 3rd week.I like this. Very very much.



    Still doing CNS and Shockwave with a few variations. Definitely seeing changes. 4th week. Did 1 month of 5x5 Stronglifts before. Coming out of a bulged / hernia in C5-C6 of my spine. Things going better than expected. The big guys at the gym are actually talking to me and wondering what type of routine I am doing. I am in no way big, well... I do need to lose some fat.Weight wise, I barely lose anything. Fat wise, things are definitely better, and muscle definition is starting to show.Im actually surprised at how much I love this routine!


    Brandon D Christ

    I didn't care for the old Shockwave.  The new Shockwave on the phone app is very good.


    Tiago Nicolau

    I use it now only for guidance, Tryping the weights and doing the PSR by it is not effective, so i mark all the exercises and i do a simulation at home about the weights, looking for the past WO's, and seems good to go,Legs today was like that, and my phone apreciates it, no more sweaty iphone ๐Ÿ™‚


    Brandon D Christ

    I use it now only for guidance, Tryping the weights and doing the PSR by it is not effective, so i mark all the exercises and i do a simulation at home about the weights, looking for the past WO's, and seems good to go,Legs today was like that, and my phone apreciates it, no more sweaty iphone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yea I would just use it for the exercises.  I actually tried going through the whole thing and it was just a pain in the ass.


    Tiago Nicolau

    Today i did some modifications, it was arms and shoulder day, and on the PSR sets i did 7x3 instead of 5x3 and all the exercises of 2 or 3 sets, i did 4,I guess thats the more volume that its needed and i liked it a lot ๐Ÿ™‚



    Would a 3day spread be too much instead of 5?Monday: Chest / CoreTuesday: Legs / BackWednesday: Shoulder / CoreThursday: Back / LegsFriday: Chest/ CoreSaturday: ShouldersIm assuming being on CNS would be too much, so following CBL instead... could this work or be too much for the body?Assuming that someone follows the exact exercise of SW without doing the X.


    Martin Tran

    I didn't care for the old Shockwave.  The new Shockwave on the phone app is very good.

    I don't have an iPhone. How is the Shockwave in the app store better than 1.4?


    Richard Schmitt

    You customize it for you


    Tiago Nicolau

    It haves some limitations on the plan area but otherwise, the exercises are pretty good ๐Ÿ™‚

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