Shockwave App Question

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    Hi. I've purchased Gain Fitness App and Shockwave Protocol. A few questions:1- When doing a PSR set I should not rest between sets?2- What's the meaning and how I must do a PSR set?3- If the App doesn't give me time to rest I should do the next set immediately ended the first one?Thanks!


    Penny Danner

    1.  NO you don't rest between those….it is like 5 mini sets of 3.  You change your weight as fast as you can, get set up and lift.  Unless you have someone to change them for you then THEY move as fast as they can and you lift.2.  This is a good example of how to do a PSR set....PSRs use the ELECT style of lifting.  Notice the slow concentric (lowering) and FAST Eccentric (rising) part of the lift.  There are more examples on youtube.  They helped me to SEE if before I started.3.  I believe you get to rest between regular sets but not the PSR sets.



    1.  NO you don't rest between is like 5 mini sets of 3.  You change your weight as fast as you can, get set up and lift.  Unless you have someone to change them for you then THEY move as fast as they can and you lift.2.  This is a good example of how to do a PSR set....PSRs use the ELECT style of lifting.  Notice the slow concentric (lowering) and FAST Eccentric (rising) part of the lift.  There are more examples on youtube.  They helped me to SEE if before I started.3.  I believe you get to rest between regular sets but not the PSR sets.



    D J Gray

    Silly question….but what is PSR please?


    Richard Schmitt

    Silly question....but what is PSR please?

    Partioned Set Ramping. Bascially 3-3-3-3-3 is one whole set, but increasing weights by 33%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 77.7% in a Shockwave format


    Gary Smith

    Have they made an android app for this yet?


    Tom Singleton

    1.  NO you don't rest between those….it is like 5 mini sets of 3.  You change your weight as fast as you can, get set up and lift.  Unless you have someone to change them for you then THEY move as fast as they can and you lift.2.  This is a good example of how to do a PSR set….PSRs use the ELECT style of lifting.  Notice the slow concentric (lowering) and FAST Eccentric (rising) part of the lift.  There are more examples on youtube.  They helped me to SEE if before I started.3.  I believe you get to rest between regular sets but not the PSR sets.

    Just a quick note, concentric is the lifting not the lowering and eccentric is the lowering!


    Sophia Joseph


    Read this page to find answers to and troubleshoot frequently asked questions regarding Adobe Shock wave Player.

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Shockwave App Question

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