So I was thinking…

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    Richard Schmitt

    I was working out yesterday, messing with my mp3 player, a thought came to mind. What if the new software that Kiefer and Naomi are whipping up could possibly be used as an app for same the local iPhone or Android? That it could help track what you do on a daily bases, and to see if you're keeping with what was planned out for you. Also that the Shockwave Protocol could be used in an app version…logging reps and weights, how you're feeling with that movement, if you complete Level X or not, and to see what you movement you have next. Probably sounds like a lame idea, or more work for them, but I thought I share what I was thinking that COULD possibly benefit DH a bit more…



    Actually I think that sounds like an awesome idea. I already use an app for my workout planner/log (Jefit) and streaming music (Pandora) during my workouts, so an app version of this exciting new software would be perfect for me, and I imagine a lot of others.  Obviously too late now, but maybe they'll keep it in mind for the near future. Or maybe its already in the pipeline


    Richard Schmitt

    Sweet, Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a good idea. I would assume they want to see where the software will go, because if the membership fee is reasonable, I might invest in paying the monthly fee to further my goals, and further support this. I'm sure if the software picks up, there will be an app.



    I use Jefit too, it's great. really makes things a whole lot easier.


    Naomi Most

    Duly noted!


    Richard Schmitt

    Duly noted!


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So I was thinking…

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