Starting tomorrow-Any advice for females?

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    Karin O’Sullivan

    Romaine lettuce is another good one to keep on hand. I have several salads every week usually 2 cups worth of romaine and some loaded with fat dressing.


    Kevin rogers

    Hahaha I did the same thing the other day and put coconut oil in my iced coffee and it turned into cottage cheese instantly, that's funny.Like most have said, it does get a lot easier as you go. But you do get really creative with your meals and food combos. Reviewing the recipe section in the forum will help and spurn new ideas.



    I have made a few recipes for things like low carb stir frys and things of that nature in the carb nite section of the forum so that you can get your fiber intake in there as well. I am a former calorie nazi as well and this method proved that methodology totally flawed. I stuck to the supposed maintenance level for calories the entire time I did cns (2540 cals) every day and lost between 1-2 lbs a week after the prep phase. I saw no change in the measurements for my arms, chest and legs the only place I saw changes were my face (dbl chin area lol) and my waistline. I lost 1.25″ off my waistline and cal cutting alone I saw a loss in every measurement along with my waistline. This is by far the best method I have used to just cut fat and retain lean muscle mass. My suggestions to you:1) Learn to incorporate the whipping cream into some recipes its delicious and makes for great sauces2) Review the zero carb veggie list and pic the 0 carb ones to cook with.3) get flax seeds and chia seeds, these are great low carb sources of fiber4) Nuts (roasted almonds are great)5) avocado, use this to cook with as well its a great source of low carb fiberThis diet works very well indeed and after the prep phase is done you will notice changes for sure. Workout wise I used to do a nice heavy workout a hour before my carb nite and I enjoyed the benefits seeing increases in strength for lifts from that method.


    Damon Amato

    great job so far.  Certainly way better than I was when I started.



    Thanks for the input everyone, its greatly appreciated!I have avocados, and a variety of nuts, flax seeds,(havent found chia seeds yet) I figured I would add them as the weeks menu progresses. I am a decent cook and look forward to the challenge of cooking totally opposite of what I have been doing for awhile.It is an odd thing to be able to eat the things I used to have to talk myself down from.......especially in a week or so on Carb nite. I used to talk myself away from the bakery isle like an alcoholic in a bar grasping at sobriety. If nothing else this is a great experiment!



    lol, yes you will learn to change how you think about food for sure. It was a heck of an adjustment for me as well but I have since learned to be quite comfortable with it. The best part is that it frees me up from counting calories and stressing about the numbers, now its eat when hungry, eat fat and protein together in equal ratios and enjoy the heck out of some carbs when I workout hard lol.

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Starting tomorrow-Any advice for females?

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