Stretch mark reduction…

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    Robert x Oleary

    I'm getting ready to hit a small bulk before my next prep cycle, and I'm prone to getting spider-stretch marks on my chest and arms from their rapid growth. I'm wondering if theres anythig out there that anyone could recommend to reduce their presense or likelihood of developing? I'm especially nervous since my depleted arm size is now the same as what it was when carb loaded. This is exciting because there's hope for reaching my goal of 17″, but also worried becaue I dont want to add any more scars if I can avoid it.Anything anyone can contribute I would appreciate, from muscle building, to skin toning from weight loss, to reduction of scars from pregnancy growth. Whatever you can contribute, I'd love to hear. Thanks!


    Melvin McLain

    There are home-made concoctions online to minimize after-pregnancy stretch marks, so you might give google a shot. IIRC, many of them utilize preparation-H.Some type of oil (aloe, etc.) should help minimize their formation.Let us know if you find something that works.


    Rob Haas

    on my chest and arms from their rapid growth.

    Ugh...sorry got nothing. Have never had a rapid growth problem to deal with...except financial debt but that's another issue that left scars LOL.


    Melvin McLain

    Have never had a rapid growth problem to deal with…except financial debt but that's another issue that left scars LOL.

    Hehe, no kiddin'. Good luck with an ointment for that... 😀

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Stretch mark reduction…

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