Suggestions PLEASE-Start of week 4 results…

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    Hey Everyone!I've been doing the Carb Nite for a month now, and I have lost about 10 pounds in total.  My goal was never to loose a lot of weight, I started off at 133 and now am at 123- I want to lean out and gain more muscle to be specific. Carb nite has been great so far....I'm pretty sure some of the pounds lost were "water weight" but it has helped a lot. I used to get bloated A LOT and since I have starting eating without carbs during the week, I have not once felt bloated at all (other than on carb nite 🙂 I go to the gym and lift heavy weight and do cardio (12 mins HIIT) about 4-5 times a week.I don't want to hit a plateau and not seeing more results as the time goes on... I have set a 3 month goal for myself (now 2 months left) and I want to improve as much as possible.Any suggestions from people who have seen results progressively as the months go on?


    Richard Schmitt

    Well from the progress photos, keep doing what you're doing. You won't stall or mess up unless you purposely change a lot of factors at once. Sometimes doing less is actually better. Doing great though. Don't change or fix what is not broken



    Well from the progress photos, keep doing what you're doing. You won't stall or mess up unless you purposely change a lot of factors at once. Sometimes doing less is actually better. Doing great though. Don't change or fix what is not broken

    The only thing I am going to change is adding in some supplements. I've been currently only taking a protein whey shake PW, but I will be adding in fish oil, green tea extract and a couple other Cellucor supplements..I hope it doesn't mess with anything (in a bad way!).



    Good progress. Just keep doing what you're doing – whether you stall or not (you will get through it).



    Good progress. Just keep doing what you're doing – whether you stall or not (you will get through it).

    Thanks, I'll try.. I guess it takes longer to see more changes as once the bulk amount of weight was lost.



    Yes, it does. Slow & steady wins the race. This isn't a crash diet. Your metabolism is being reset. Your hormones are being optimised. You will likely gain LBM without trying thanks to the sudden abundance of protein, healthy fats and optimal hormone production.



    Yes, it does. Slow & steady wins the race. This isn't a crash diet. Your metabolism is being reset. Your hormones are being optimised. You will likely gain LBM without trying thanks to the sudden abundance of protein, healthy fats and optimal hormone production.

    ahh good! Thanks I kind of needed some sort of reassurance that slow progression is normal. I'm just a very inpatient person haha! 😀



    Welcome 🙂



    Well from the progress photos, keep doing what you're doing. You won't stall or mess up unless you purposely change a lot of factors at once. Sometimes doing less is actually better. Doing great though. Don't change or fix what is not broken

    +1  Yes, welcome, keep posting as it helps talk about what you are doing as the people here are very helpful..

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Suggestions PLEASE-Start of week 4 results…

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