Testosterone not that important?

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    Found this article referencing a couple of interesting studies. The cortisol point is particularly interesting http://breakingmuscle.com/health-medicine/exercise-induced-testosterone-and-gh-does-not-build-muscle



    Very interesting piece, thanks. I guess this means we can all go get drunk and not worry about hindering muscle gains 😉



    Very interesting piece, thanks. I guess this means we can all go get drunk and not worry about hindering muscle gains 😉

    I don't think you got the article right.



    I don't think you have a sense of humor…  :-



    Granted this is only two studies they looked at. One guys vs. girls, which is bound to have differences in how test affects muscle growth. And the second one seemed to only look at acute differences of training sessions. Couldn't it be the over a longer time span testosterone seems to have a beneficial effect?Interesting none the less. I wish they went into more detail about how the felt that cortisol was actually BENEFICIAL for muscle gain...


    I think this is very very misleading. TOTAL test is not very important, it's FREE test that matters. Along with that Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which is what helps dictate what your free test will be.Also, yes growth hormone is not some magical force in the body either, it can help with recovery but that is about it. It helps your body run more efficiently, it is not the golden ticket a lot of body builders thing it is who run crazy I.U.'s.Either way Test does help you stay anabolic, which allows you to grow more.


    I think this is very very misleading. TOTAL test is not very important, it's FREE test that matters. Along with that Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which is what helps dictate what your free test will be.Also, yes growth hormone is not some magical force in the body either, it can help with recovery but that is about it. It helps your body run more efficiently, it is not the golden ticket a lot of body builders thing it is who run crazy I.U.'s.Either way Test does help you stay anabolic, which allows you to grow more.

    Agreed.Test is not only integral for muscle-building, but fat loss, as well.  Low-T is a serious, life-affecting medical problem for men, and shouldn't be disregarded.Cory

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Testosterone not that important?

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