The "Contact" tab on

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    Richard Schmitt

    So has anyone used the contact tab on the website? If so, have you received any type of response? I used it twice, and have yet to receive anything.



    I used it, got a response on Thanksgiving day, about 36 hours after I submitted.


    Richard Schmitt

    Lucky you, I haven't gotten any word back from what I sent out.


    Naomi Most

    Sorry about that! Hope you can understand the delay in response.Possibly it was silly to put up a Contact form at all during this book ramp-up, but we really needed it. People were coming to the website and would look for a place to contact Kiefer and would usually post a comment on an article... not really helpful for anyone.At least this way we keep the "hey is my diet ok!?" questions off the article pages and we have a neat little stack of requests in our email rather than scattered around in comments.BigTex, if your question's urgent, I'll kick Kiefer's shin and make him respond. Soon as we finish our coffee anyway.


    Richard Schmitt

    Sorry about that! Hope you can understand the delay in response.Possibly it was silly to put up a Contact form at all during this book ramp-up, but we really needed it. People were coming to the website and would look for a place to contact Kiefer and would usually post a comment on an article... not really helpful for anyone.At least this way we keep the "hey is my diet ok!?" questions off the article pages and we have a neat little stack of requests in our email rather than scattered around in comments.BigTex, if your question's urgent, I'll kick Kiefer's shin and make him respond. Soon as we finish our coffee anyway.

    Oh it's quite alright, just "place an order" a while back, and thought that y'all kicked it to the curb because it was stupid or not worth looking at. Which I totally understand because I'm sure y'all get a lot of crazy requests. it's not a big deal, I'm sure it'll get answered once everything dies down, I'm patient. Like how I'm patient about the book =) All is good, y'all are doing a great job, remember that!

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The "Contact" tab on

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