To "pull" through it or not…

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    Ok so I did legs a few days ago. Today is programmed for deads followed by two rest days. Still have sore glutes, hams, and quads from leg day but I'm 100% down with pushing through the deads. Just wanted other opinions on it. My backload last night was rather large in prep for the pulls today. So I certainly don't want to rest it off


    If it's just soreness and not pain then yes you should absolutely go pull. Especially if your legs have had a couple days rest.


    Richard Schmitt

    Try using some bands for lower mobility. Reason I say this because I felt the same today and did some before starting. I feel so much better. Might help you.



    I would. The only time I would be hesistant would be when my lower back is sore or feeling fatigued. 



    Yea i mean i was hitting DL's regardless. Just wanted other views haha. I slammed the session like a...well a fuckin beast. Did DL's, Split Squat, and some accessory. Now my legs will probably be fucked hard until Squats later this week. But thats all for the better.

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To "pull" through it or not…

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