Too long between shockwave sessions?

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    Hey all!Thinking about starting shockwave protocol. I have the 1.0 version right now.Looks good, but it seems like there is a long wait between muscle groups. Chest only once a week? An so on.Why not twice a week like "regular" programs?Any comments?



    Shockwave only trains each part once a week cause it's designed to get you in and out of the gym as quickly as possible.  I tried shockwave for a while, but found it didnt yield good strength or muscle building, so i went back to my regular 5×5 lifts which had me benching and squatting twice per week in addition to other isolation movements.  Also worked better for backloading



    Allright, not sure the SW is for me either. Doing a 3-split max 6 rep program right now, so not sure SW would do better.Thanks!

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Too long between shockwave sessions?

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